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2022年8月8日 (月) 09:13時点における版

Geph is a modular Internet censorship circumvention system designed specifically to deal with national filtering.


Install the geph4-clientAUR or geph4-client-gitAUR package.

If you have no special requirements, just installing this package is sufficient.

  • geph4-binder — A command-line Geph binder.
https://github.com/geph-official/geph4/tree/master/geph4-binder[リンク切れ 2021-11-10] || geph4-binderAUR[リンク切れ: package not found] or geph4-binder-gitAUR
  • geph4-bridge — A command-line Geph bridge.
https://github.com/geph-official/geph4/tree/master/geph4-bridge[リンク切れ 2021-11-10] || geph4-bridgeAUR[リンク切れ: package not found] or geph4-bridge-gitAUR
  • geph4-client — A command-line Geph client.
https://github.com/geph-official/geph4/tree/master/geph4-client[リンク切れ 2021-11-10] || geph4-clientAUR or geph4-client-gitAUR
  • geph4-exit — A command-line Geph exit.
https://github.com/geph-official/geph4/tree/master/geph4-exit[リンク切れ 2021-11-10] || geph4-exitAUR[リンク切れ: package not found] or geph4-exit-gitAUR
  • geph4-vpn-helper — A command-line Geph VPN helper.
https://github.com/geph-official/geph4/tree/master/geph4-vpn-helper[リンク切れ 2021-11-10] || geph4-vpn-helperAUR or geph4-vpn-helper-gitAUR


Start/enable geph4-client.service.

If you want to use geph4-vpn-helper, please Start/enable geph4-vpn-helper.service.

ヒント: geph4-client.service and geph4-vpn-helper.service cannot be started at the same time.


You can modify the configuration by editing the files in /etc/default/.

  • /etc/default/geph4-binder
  • /etc/default/geph4-bridge
  • /etc/default/geph4-client
  • /etc/default/geph4-exit

geph4-client and geph4-vpn-helper use the same configuration file.

See also