「Zoom ミーティング」の版間の差分

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2022年9月30日 (金) 13:36時点における版


Zoom ミーティング (Zoom Meetings) (略して "Zoom" とも) とは、プロプライエタリ、クロスプラットフォーム、クラウドベースのビデオ会議プラットフォームです。


Preferably, install zoomAUR from the AUR, since the files from the website will not allow self-updating.

Alternatively, zoom is also available as a flatpak: when choosing this option, replace ~/.config/zoomus.conf in the #Tips and tricks section by ~/.var/app/us.zoom.Zoom/config/zoomus.conf.


ノート: The xf86-video-intel driver (now considered deprecated) can cause screen share flicker on Intel's integrated GPUs. See Intel graphics for the deprecation info.


Zoom saves the default virtual backgrounds to ~/.zoom/data/VirtualBkgnd_Default and the custom virtual backgrounds to ~/.zoom/data/VirtualBkgnd_Custom.


Zoom saves the logs to /home/user/.zoom/logs/zoom_stdout_stderr.log.


ノート: This can lead to a lot of bugs.

Edit ~/.config/zoomus.conf and change the value of useSystemTheme to true, then restart zoom.

Zoom ミニウィンドウを無効化する

Zoom's "Mini Window" feature allows to minimize the Zoom video, but keep it on top as an overlay. To disable it:

Edit ~/.config/zoomus.conf and change the value of enableMiniWindow to false, then restart zoom.

Wayland での画面共有

To share your screen on Wayland, install the required packages for WebRTC screen sharing, edit ~/.config/zoomus.conf and change the value of enableWaylandShare to true, then restart zoom.

理由: Show how to harden zoom with bubblewrap. (議論: トーク:Zoom ミーティング#)