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2023年8月29日 (火) 19:19時点におけるKusanaginoturugi (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (一部翻訳)
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Saber は、GPLv3.0 の下でライセンスされたオープンソースのクロスプラットフォームの手書きメモアプリです。


警告: Flutter のガイドラインはまだ作成中です User:Gromit/Flutter package guidelines、多くの Flutter パッケージのビルドに関連する問題が見つかり、手動での介入が必要です。AUR ヘルパーを使用すると、saber のビルドおよびインストールがほとんど失敗する可能性があります。

saberAUR パッケージをインストールしてください。saber パッケージを正常にビルドする手順については、#Building を参照してください。

ノート: Saber パッケージは、現在、Flutter のビルドの問題のため古いままであり、修正されるまでパッケージを更新することはできません。
ヒント: メンテナの非公式リポジトリ、Unofficial user repositories#PolarRepo を通じて saber をインストールすることもできます。ただし、非公式リポジトリは Arch Linux によってサポートされていないため、自己責任で使用する必要があります。非公式リポジトリからインストールすることで、#Building を省略し、ビルド済みパッケージを直接インストールすることができます。


Due to complications with flutter, saber requires manual intervention to build the package.

ノート: The following commands must be run by the user which is building the package, otherwise the package will still fail to build.
  1. Install flutterAUR and rustup.
  2. Set the stable toolchain as the default, to prevent flutter throwing an error:
    $ rustup default stable
  3. Fix known flutter issues on Arch Linux:
    $ git config --global --add /opt/flutter
    See User:Gromit/Flutter package guidelines#Ownership problems, or permission denial for more information.


Saber is a graphical User Interface (GUI), all configuration is done via the settings menu on the left sidebar.

Integration with nextcloud

Saber provides an integration with nextcloud to allow synchronisation of notes between multiple devices. It also provides redundancy which removes the worry of notes being lost due to device failure.

By default, Saber is configured to use saber's official instance provided by the upstream developer Adil Hanney.

Using the default nextcloud instance

  • Register an account (if you have not done so already)
  • Open the Settings menu on the right toolbar (settings icon)
  • Click the Logged out widget at the top of the settings page, this will bring you to the Login page
  • Enter the email address and password you used when you registered your account, the encryption password should be a password unique to you, which will only be stored on your client, this is used as a key to encrypt and decrypt the notes you write for privacy, you must remember this otherwise you will not be able to decrypt your notes on other devices.
ノート: By registering an account and logging in from the saber app, you agree to the saber privacy policy [1]

Using a third party nextcloud instance

Nextcloud has multiple providers which you can pick from, or use a provider which is not listed here.

Saber's official nextcloud instance is stock and contains no modifications to the API, allowing you to use any provider which has not modified nextcloud's protocol.

To use a third party nextcloud provider, register an account on the corresponding web interface, and then follow the same login instructions in #Using the default nextcloud instance, ensure to check the I want to use a Custom Nextcloud Server box, and then enter the providers url in the Custom server URL box, otherwise you will not be able to authenticate.

ノート: Using a third party nextcloud instance means you must agree to their terms of service and privacy policy, along with the privacy policy from upstream.

Self hosting a nextcloud instance

If you would like to self host the nextcloud instance for saber, follow the installation guide Nextcloud#Installation and then the setup/configuration guide Nextcloud#Configuration.

After your instance is setup, create yourself a user and follow the same login instructions in #Using the default nextcloud instance, ensure you check I want to use a Custom Nextcloud Server, and enter the url of your nextcloud instance in the Custom server URL box.