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== 記事のイントロダクション ==
== 記事のイントロダクション ==
記事のイントロダクションは (大抵は) 読者が始めに出くわすものであり、これには記事の主題を彼らに紹介する目的があります。
The article introduction is (usually) the first thing readers encounter and has the purpose of introducing them to the topic.
Each article is started with a set of assumptions. These assumptions are seldom true for most readers, and an article introduction has the purpose of filtering readers that fulfill the assumptions made by writers. You do not really have to introduce readers to the rest of the article, but it may help clear some things up, that would otherwise remain unclear even after reading the whole article... many times over.
たとえば、ある決まったやり方によるシステムの設定についての記事を書いたとします。しかし、それは読者がクリーンで最新の Arch Linux をプライマリハードドライブにインストールしたことを想定していました。たとえば、もしカーネルがカスタマイズされていたら、その方法はどのような影響を受けるでしょうか。または、もし パッケージ X が存在していなかったら、手順3はどのように動作するでしょうか。
For instance, you may have written an article about configuring the system in a certain way. However, you have assumed that readers have a clean and freshly installed Arch Linux on their primary hard drive. How would your method be affected if the kernel was, for example, customized? Or, how would step 3 work if package X was missing?
You need to think about prerequisites for your method and present those prerequisites before you start your article. This has two key benefits:
#It allows readers to decide if they want to read the article, before they have gone too far.
#It enables you to write an article without too many unnecessary digressions.
Number two has a huge impact on reader performance, and actually makes your article more streamlined.
There are a number of things you might consider including in your article introduction, but here are some of the more important ones in no particular order:
* 要求されるこれまでの経験と知識
* previous experiences and knowledge required
* システムの状態と設定
* system states and configuration
* ハードウェアコンポーネントの所有権
* ownership of hardware components
* 読者がその記事で見つけ''られない''こと
* what readers are ''not'' going to find in the article
== テキスト ==
== テキスト ==

2016年10月19日 (水) 01:45時点における版


この記事は wiki の作者や編集者を対象にかかれており、実用的な記事を作成して ArchWiki の読者に見聞を広めるのを補助します。

この記事を読むのに wiki ページを編集する方法を知る必要はありません。技術的な編集ハウツーよりも、もっと全般的なスタイルガイドです。


記事のイントロダクションは (大抵は) 読者が始めに出くわすものであり、これには記事の主題を彼らに紹介する目的があります。


たとえば、ある決まったやり方によるシステムの設定についての記事を書いたとします。しかし、それは読者がクリーンで最新の Arch Linux をプライマリハードドライブにインストールしたことを想定していました。たとえば、もしカーネルがカスタマイズされていたら、その方法はどのような影響を受けるでしょうか。または、もし パッケージ X が存在していなかったら、手順3はどのように動作するでしょうか。


  1. 読者がその記事を読みたいかを、先に行き過ぎてしまう前に、判断できるようになります。
  2. 主題からずれたことを多く入れすぎずに記事が書けるようになります。



  • 要求されるこれまでの経験と知識
  • システムの状態と設定
  • ハードウェアコンポーネントの所有権
  • 読者がその記事で見つけられないこと


We have already mentioned some things you might mention in an article introduction. We will now take a look at some of the problems in formulating an effective and useful article introduction.


When talking about previous experience, you need to keep in mind that there are two meanings of the words. One is a more general meaning. We may call someone a newbie or a guru based on the overall knowledge/experience/reputation of that individual. The other is a concrete experience of participating in an event or activity (and the knowledge derived from that). For practical reasons, it is better to demand previous experience(s) in the latter sense. Most articles on ArchWiki talk about topics that are specific, and in some context. In a given context, a newbie may display proficiency, whereas a guru may show lack of interest. If you require specific previous experiences, readers have a better chance of judging their ability to follow the rest of the article.

You may also want to provide readers with links to resources that would help them gain knowledge required to understand the article.


Sometimes, a missing package or a differently configured system component may render an article useless on some systems. Therefore, you need to track down and define all relevant system configuration (like, relevant rc.config parameters, required packages, etc) whenever possible.


Hardware requirements are usually fairly obvious. If you are talking about installing drivers for dial-up modem XYZ, nobody will ever think you are talking about a modem ZYX. However, in some cases it is good to mention the specific hardware requirements. For instance, if you are writing an article about installing drivers for XYZ-123, you may warn users that the same might not apply to XYZ-456.

It is also a nice touch to add the photo of the hardware your article is about to discuss.


Sometimes, the article's title may be slightly misleading. Therefore you may need to warn readers about the actual topic of the article, and possibly offer a link to other articles that readers might have been looking for.

For example, some readers might have thought this article was about how to format pages using wiki text. Therefore, those readers have been warned that this is not the page they were looking for, and the link to the right page was provided.


The formatting of the article introduction follows the usual ArchWiki customs. However, there are still details that deserve closer attention.

When listing requirements, you have two approaches. One is to verbosely explain the requirements and other introductory notes in plain (your language here). The other method is to offer a well-organized list of requirements.