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このページはテンプレートです。このページに Arch Linux に関連する情報は含まれていません、他の記事のパーツとして使って下さい。詳しくは、ヘルプ:テンプレートを見て下さい。



An "accuracy dispute" flag used to indicate inaccurate content.


This template should be added at the beginning of articles or sections suspected of incorrect, misleading, incomplete, or confusing content. Ensure to cite specific concerns with the first argument and possibly also on the flagged article's discussion page.


You can override the default discussion page with a second optional argument:

{{Accuracy|reason|Talk:Alternative Page}}

Alternatively you can point to a specific section in the default talk page with the named section parameter:

{{Accuracy|reason|section=Section name}}

Flagged pages can be found in Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Accuracy or in Category:Template:Accuracy が使われているページ. If knowledgeable in a subject, users are encouraged to participate to resolve the issue. The {{Accuracy}} flag should be removed after verification/correction/removal of disputed facts.

ノート: The talk page is linked through an external link: this is to avoid polluting Special:WantedPages when the talk page does not exist.


{{Accuracy|This is just a demonstration template.}}
理由: This is just a demonstration template. (議論: テンプレート・トーク:Accuracy#)