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アマチュア無線ファン (ハム無線従事者または"ハム"とも) は無線通信の黎明期から実験と発展の最前線を担ってきました。電磁スペクトルの広範囲の周波数で、多種多様な通信方式が使われています。このページでは AUR に入っているアマチュア無線関連のソフトウェアをリストアップしています。単独で動作するソフトウェアもあれば、無線機の接続を必要とするデジタル通信アプリケーションもありますし、中にはコンピュータのサウンドカードを使えるものもあり様々です。インターフェイスとなるハードウェアはメーカーから購入することも、または自作することもできます。

警告: 国際条約ではアマチュア無線のユーザーは国が発行した免許を受けることを必要としています。ただし必要となるのは送信機やアンテナを使う場合で、アマチュア無線を受信したりアマチュア無線のソフトウェアをダウンロードするだけでは違法になりません。


以下のプログラムの多くは送信機の周波数をあわせるのにシリアルポートへのアクセスを必要とします (例: /dev/ttyS0)。そのため、ユーザーを uucp グループに追加しなくてはなりません。ユーザーを uucp グループに追加するには root で次のコマンドを実行します:

# gpasswd -a username uucp



  • Hamlib — ハードウェアと無線制御プログラム間のインターフェイスを提供します。無線のコントロールや他のハードウェア (ロギングやデジタルモードなど) を使いやすくするためのソフトウェアレイヤーでありスタンドアロンのアプリケーションではありません。
http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/hamlib/ || hamlibAUR
  • Soundmodem — 標準的な PC サウンドカードを様々な AX.25 通信モードが利用できるパケット通信モデムのように使えるように Tom Sailer (HB9JNX/AE4WA) によって書かれました。ハードウェアやアプリケーションによりますがデータレートは9600ボーまで高くできます。Soundmodem はシリアルポートの KISS モデムまたは AX.25 ネットワークデバイスとして使うことが可能です。soundmodem を MKISS ネットワークデバイスとして使うには、MKISS モジュールを組み込んでカーネルをリビルドする必要があります。詳しくは Xastir wiki を見て下さい。
soundmodem を root で実行:
# soundmodem
If you have configured soundmodem as a KISS modem, you will need to change permissions to make it user-readable:
# chmod 666 /dev/soundmodem0
http://www.baycom.org/~tom/ham/soundmodem/ || soundmodemAUR
  • Grig — simple control program based on Hamlib
http://groundstation.sourceforge.net/grig/ || grigAUR
  • gMFSK — 多数のデジタルモードをサポートするユーザーインターフェイス。ロギングに hamlib と xlog を使います。
http://gmfsk.connect.fi || gmfskAUR
  • lysdr — 細かいカスタマイズができる無線インターフェイス
https://github.com/gordonjcp/lysdr || lysdr-gitAUR
  • linrad — SM5BSZ によるソフトウェア無線
http://www.sm5bsz.com/linuxdsp/linrad.htm || linradAUR
  • quisk — N2ADR によるソフトウェア無線
http://james.ahlstrom.name/quisk/ || quiskAUR
  • owx — command-line utility for programming Wouxun radios
http://owx.chmurka.net || owxAUR
  • twcw — extension for cwirc
http://wa0eir.home.mchsi.com/twcw.html || not packaged? AUR で検索
  • fldigi — popular GUI developed by W1HKJ for a variety of digital communication modes
http://w1hkj.com/Fldigi.html || fldigiAUR
  • libfap — APRS パケットパーサー
http://pakettiradio.net/libfap/ || libfapAUR
  • aprx — 軽量な APRS デジピーターと i-Gate インターフェイス
http://wiki.ham.fi/Aprx.en || aprx-svnAUR
  • xdx — ネットワーククライアント
http://www.qsl.net/pg4i/linux/xdx.html || xdxAUR
  • d-ratsAUR – D-STAR 通信ツール
  • qsstvAUR – 低速度走査テレビジョン
  • linpskAUR – PSK31
  • psk31lxAUR – PSK31 using Pulseaudio
  • twpskAUR – Soundcard based program for PSK31
  • xpsk31AUR – PSK31 using a GUI rendered by GTK+


AX.25 — data link layer protocol that is used extensively in packet radio networks. It supports connected operation (eg. keyboard-to-keyboard contacts, access to local bulletin board systems, and DX clusters) as well as connectionless operation (eg. APRS). The Linux kernel includes native support for AX.25 networking. Please refer to this guide for more information. The following software is available in the AUR:

http://www.ax25.net/ || present in stock kernel


WSJT (Weak Signal Communication by K1JT) — offers offers a rich variety of features, including specific digital protocols optimized for meteor scatter, ionospheric scatter, and EME (moonbounce) at VHF/UHF, as well as HF skywave propagation. WSJT was developed by Nobel Prize winning physicist Joe Taylor, who has the amateur radio callsign K1JT. The program can decode fraction-of-a-second signals reflected from ionized meteor trails and steady signals 10 dB below the audible threshold.
WSJT is in ongoing, active development by a team of programmers led by K1JT. WSJT (and the related program WSPR) has the option of being configured with

$ ./configure --enable-g95


$ ./configure --enable-gfortran

If you build with one and experience problems, edit PKGBUILD to try the other.
WSJT requires access to the serial port; see the note in the Interfacing section above about the uucp group.

http://www.physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/ || wsjt-svnAUR


WSPR (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter, pronounced whisper) — enables the probing of propagation paths on the amateur radio bands using low power transmissions. It was introduced in 2008 by K1JT following the success and widespread adoption of WSJT by the amateur radio community. Stations with Internet access can automatically upload their reception reports to a central database called WSPRnet, which includes a mapping facility

http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wspr.html || wspr-svnAUR


Xastir — stands for X Amateur Station and Information Reporting. It works with APRS, an amateur radio-based system for real time tactical digital communications. Xastir is an open-source program that provides full-featured, client-side access to APRS. It is currently in a state of active development.
Xastir is highly flexible and there are a wide variety of ways it can be configured. For example, it can be evaluated without radio hardware if an Internet connection is available. The wiki at xastir.org is very thorough and gives excellent information on its range of capabilities and setup.
An optional speech feature can be enabled with the festival package; you will also need a speaker package such as festival-en or festival-english. If you want this option, festival must be installed on your system before building xastir. Launch festival before the xastir program is started for speech to function properly:

$ festival --server

or you can write a simple script to automate the sequential starting process. There may be problems if other programs such as a media player are accessing sound simultaneously.
The PKGBUILD automatically downloads an 850 kB bundle of .wav files and places them here: /usr/share/xastir/sounds/.
These are audio alarm recordings of a North American English speaker that do not require the presence of festival to render. The audio play command `play' in the configure menu may not work; try `aplay' instead.

http://www.xastir.org || xastirAUR


  • fl_moxgenAUR – Moxon antenna designer
  • geoidAUR – Geodetic calculator
  • gpredictAUR – Real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction application
  • hamsolarAUR – Small desktop display of the current solar indices
  • splatAUR – rf signal propagation, loss, and terrain analysis
  • sunclockAUR – Useful for predicting grayline propagation paths
  • xnec2cAUR – Electromagnetic antenna modeler


  • cqrlogAUR – a popular Linux logging program
  • fdlogAUR – a Field Day Logger with networked nodes
  • klogAUR – a Ham radio logging program for Linux / KDE.
  • qleAUR – QSO Logger and log Editor for amateur radio operators written in Perl
  • tlfAUR – a console mode networked logging and contest program
  • trustedqslAUR – QSL application for ARRL's Logbook of the World
  • tucnak2AUR – a multiplatform VHF/HF contest logbook
  • xlogAUR – a logging program for amateur radio operators.
  • yfklogAUR – a general purpose ham radio logbook for *nix operating systems.
  • yfktestAUR – a logbook program for ham radio contests.


  • callsignAUR – a small program for finding information about a ham radio based on his callsign
  • ctyAUR – package contains databases of entities (countries), prefixes and callsigns that are used by amateur radio logging software.
  • dxccAUR – a small program for determining ARRL DXCC entity of a ham radio callsign
  • natoAUR – Python script to convert string into NATO alphabet representation
  • tqsllibAUR – Trusted QSL library (supports ARRL Logbook of the World)



  • cwircAUR – IRC でモールス信号を送信・受信