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この記事では32ビットのアプリケーションを動作させる一つの方法を説明しています。multilib リポジトリから lib32-* ライブラリをインストールする代わりに32ビットのアプリケーションを分離させます。この方法では "chroot 監獄" を作成して32ビットのアプリを管理します。

ヒント: Xyne has created a package that installs a minimalist 32-bit chroot as described below. See [1] and [2] for details.


1. ディレクトリを作成:

# mkdir /opt/arch32

2. chroot 用に一時的な pacman の設定ファイルを作成:

# sed -e 's/\$arch/i686/g' /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist > /opt/arch32/mirrorlist
# sed -e 's@/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist@/opt/arch32/mirrorlist@g' -e '/Architecture/ s,auto,i686,'  /etc/pacman.conf > /opt/arch32/pacman.conf
  • These files would conflict with the normal pacman files, which will be installed in the later steps.
  • For this reason they must be put into a temporary location (/opt/arch32 is used here).
  • Remember to delete/comment the multilib repo, if you have enabled it, in the /opt/arch32/pacman.conf file

3. ディレクトリを作成:

# mkdir -p /opt/arch32/var/{cache/pacman/pkg,lib/pacman}

4. pacman を同期:

# pacman --root /opt/arch32 --cachedir /opt/arch32/var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /opt/arch32/pacman.conf -Sy

5. base グループと任意で base-devel グループをインストール:

# pacman --root /opt/arch32 --cachedir /opt/arch32/var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /opt/arch32/pacman.conf -S base base-devel

Optionally add your favorite text editor and distcc if you plan to compile within the chroot with other machines:

# pacman --root /opt/arch32 --cachedir /opt/arch32/var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /opt/arch32/pacman.conf -S base base-devel sudo vim distcc

Optionally move the pacman mirror list into place:

# mv /opt/arch32/mirrorlist /opt/arch32/etc/pacman.d



# for i in passwd* shadow* group* sudoers resolv.conf localtime locale.gen vimrc mtab inputrc profile.d/locale.sh; do cp -p /etc/"$i" /opt/arch32/etc/; done

Remember to define the correct the number of MAKEFLAGS and other vars in /opt/arch32/etc/makepkg.conf before attempting to build.

デーモンと systemd サービス

Description=32-bit chroot

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/arch32 start
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/arch32 stop


## User variables.

## Set MANAGEPARTITION to any value if /opt/arch32 resides on a separate
## partition and not mounted by /etc/fstab or some other means.
## If /opt/arch32 is part of your rootfs, leave this empty.

## Leave USEDISTCC empty unless you wish to use distccd from within the chroot.

## PIDFILE shouldn't need to ba changed from this default.

start_distccd() {
	[[ ! -L "$MOUNTPOINT"/usr/bin/distccd-chroot ]] &&
		ln -s /usr/bin/distccd "$MOUNTPOINT"/usr/bin/distccd-chroot 
	DISTCC_ARGS="--user nobody --allow $DISTCC_SUBNET --port 3692 --log-level warning --log-file /tmp/distccd-i686.log"

	[[ -z "$(pgrep distccd-chroot)" ]] &&
		linux32 chroot "$MOUNTPOINT" /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/distccd-chroot --daemon $DISTCC_ARGS"

stop_distccd() {
	[[ -n "$(pgrep distccd-chroot)" ]] &&
		linux32 chroot "$MOUNTPOINT" /bin/bash -c "pkill -SIGTERM distccd-chroot"

case $1 in
		[[ -f "$PIDFILE" ]] && exit 1

		if [[ -n "$MANAGEPARTITION" ]]; then
			mountpoint -q $MOUNTPOINT || mount LABEL="arch32" $MOUNTPOINT

		dirs=(/tmp /dev /dev/pts /home)
		for d in "${dirs[@]}"; do
			mount -o bind $d "$MOUNTPOINT"$d

		mount -t proc none "$MOUNTPOINT/proc"
		mount -t sysfs none "$MOUNTPOINT/sys"
		touch "$PIDFILE"
		[[ -n "$USEDISTCC" ]] && start_distccd

		[[ ! -f "$PIDFILE" ]] && exit 1
		[[ -n "$USEDISTCC" ]] && stop_distccd

		if [[ -n "$MANAGEPARTITION" ]]; then
			umount -R -A -l "$MOUNTPOINT"
			dirs=(/home /dev/pts /dev /tmp)
			[[ -n "$USEDISTCC" ]] && stop_distccd
			umount "$MOUNTPOINT"/{sys,proc}
			for d in "${dirs[@]}"; do
				umount -l "$MOUNTPOINT$d"
		rm -f "$PIDFILE"
		echo "usage: $0 (start|stop)"
		exit 1


# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/arch32



新しい環境に chroot:

# /usr/local/bin/arch32 start
$ xhost +SI:localuser:username_to_give_access_to
# chroot /opt/arch32

It is recommended to use a custom bash prompt inside the 32-bit chroot installation in order to differentiate from the regular system. You can, for example, add a ARCH32 string to the PS1 variable defined in ~/.bashrc. In fact, the default Debian .bashrc prompt string contains appropriate logic to report whether the working directory is within a chroot.



# /usr/bin/locale-gen

pacman を初期化:

# sed -i 's/CheckSpace/#CheckSpace/' /etc/pacman.conf
# pacman-key --init && pacman-key --populate archlinux


schroot をネイティブの64ビット環境にインストール:

/etc/schroot/schroot.conf を編集して [Arch32] セクションを作成して下さい。


Optionally edit /etc/schroot/arch32/mount to match the mounts created within /usr/local/bin/arch32.

Schroot を使って32ビットのアプリケーションを実行

The general syntax for calling an application inside the chroot is:

# schroot -p -- htop

In this example, htop is called from within the 32-bit environment.



Ensure the desired options are set in the local /etc/makepkg.conf.

Some packages may require a --host flag be added to the ./configure script in the PKBUILD:

$ ./configure --host="i686-pc-linux" ...

This is the case when the build makes use of values (for example, the output of the uname command) inherited from your base system.


If you get:

X Error of failed request: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)

while trying to run an application that requires video acceleration, make sure you have installed appropriate video drivers in your chroot.

Flash の音声

To get sound from the flash player in Firefox, open a terminal and chroot inside the 32-bit system:

# chroot /opt/arch32

From there, install alsa-oss as usual with pacman.

Then type:

$ export FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"

Every chroot into the 32-bit system will require this export command to be entered so it may be best to incorporate it into a script.

Finally, launch Firefox.

For Wine this works the same way. The package alsa-oss will also install the alsa libs required by Wine to output sound.

Tips and tricks

chroot の Java

See Java. After installation, adjust the path:

$ export PATH="/opt/java/bin/:$PATH"

32ビットアプリケーションから64ビットの PulseAudio にアクセス

Additional paths have to be bind-mounted to the chroot environment:

# mount --bind /var/run /opt/arch32/var/run
# mount --bind /var/lib/dbus /opt/arch32/var/lib/dbus

Unmount them when leaving the environment:

# umount /opt/arch32/var/run
# umount /opt/arch32/var/lib/dbus

Optionally add the commands to the /usr/local/bin/arch32 script after the other bind-mount/umount commands. See PulseAudio from within a chroot for details

Firefox の音声

Create /usr/bin/firefox32 as root:

schroot -p firefox $1;export FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"

Make it executable:

# chmod +x /usr/bin/firefox32

Now you can make an alias for Firefox, if desired:

alias firefox="firefox32"

Add this to ~/.bashrc and source it to enable it. Or you can just change all your desktop environment's launchers to firefox32 if you still want 64-bit Firefox to be available.

3D アクセラレーション

You need to install the corresponding package under your "native" arch for 3D support.

For information on how to set up your graphic adapter refer to:


In order to compile wine, you need a 32-bit system installed. Compiling wine is needed for applying patches in order to get PulseAudio working. See also wine-hacksAUR from AUR.

Add the following alias to ~/.bashrc:

alias wine='schroot -pqd "$(pwd)" -- wine'

The -q switch makes schroot operate in quiet mode, so it works like "regular" wine does. Also note that If you still use dchroot instead of schroot, you should use switch -d instead of -s.


ノート: If you have a 64-bit base installation with a 32-bit chroot environment, explicit installation of CUPS is not necessary in the 32-bit environment.

To access installed CUPS printers from the chroot environment, one needs to bind the /var/run/cups directory to the same (relative) location in the chroot environment.

Simply make sure the /var/run/cups directory exists in the chroot environment and bind-mount the host /var/run/cups to the chroot environment:

# mkdir chroot32-dir/var/run/cups
# mount --bind /var/run/cups chroot32-dir/var/run/cups

and printers should be available from 32-bit chroot applications immediately.