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2020年6月2日 (火) 11:42時点における版


This article now describes the build server at dragon.archlinux.org instead.

Directories that must be used

All users should use only ~/packages for storing packages builds and ~/svn-packages. These directories are excluded from backups and all other directories are automatically backed up.

Creating chroots and building packages

Devtools 0.9.10 has build helpers that can be used.


This can be used to _create_ and build packages. Chroots are created by default in /var/tmp/archbuild. To build packages that depend on each other you should use makechrootpkg directly.

$ sudo extra-x86_64-build
$ sudo testing-x86_64-build


$ sudo makechrootpkg -cr /var/lib/archbuild/extra-x86_64 -- -i

next package

$ sudo makechrootpkg -r /var/lib/archbuild/extra-x86_64

Packager && Makeflags

Add ~/.makepkg.conf with PACKAGER information
PACKAGER="Name <email>"

Connecting to sigurd or gerolde from brynhild

On your local system add this:

$ cat .ssh/config
  Host pkgbuild.com
    Hostname pkgbuild.com
    User youruser
    ForwardAgent yes

Generating rebuilding list when soname is bumped

Available in repo-tools.git (https://projects.archlinux.de/repo-tools.git/) and available on brynhild:

$ sogrep <repo> <soname>
$ sogrep extra x264.so.107