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(ページの作成:「Category:バージョン管理システム en:Gitolite [https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/wiki/ Gitolite] を使うことで複数のユーザーが扱う Git...」)

2015年7月6日 (月) 19:45時点における版

Gitolite を使うことで複数のユーザーが扱う Git リポジトリを簡単に安全にホストすることができます。


gitolite パッケージをインストールしてください。


gitolite をインストールすると自動的に gitolite ユーザーがシステムに追加され、ホームディレクトリ /var/lib/gitolite が作られます。

SSH によるアクセス

管理者アクセスできるように、SSH 公開鍵を /var/lib/gitolite/username.pub に追加してください (username はあなたのユーザー名に置き換えて下さい):

# install -o gitolite -g gitolite ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /var/lib/gitolite/username.pub

そして gitolite ユーザーを使って Gitolite のセットアップスクリプトを実行します:

# su - gitolite
$ gitolite setup -pk username.pub

これで gitolite-admin の keydir に公開鍵が配置され、あなたのユーザー名で gitolite-admin リポジトリに読み書きアクセスできるようになります。

コピーした SSH 公開鍵を削除して gitolite ユーザーシェルを終了してください:

$ rm username.pub
$ exit


$ ssh gitolite@hostname info
hello username, this is gitolite@hostname running gitolite3 v3.6.2 on git 2.3.3

 R W    gitolite-admin
 R W    testing

Do NOT add repositories or users directly as gitolite on the server! You MUST manage the server by cloning the special gitolite-admin repository

$ git clone gitolite@hostname:gitolite-admin

詳しくは Gitolite を参照してください。

Apache による http(s) アクセスの追加 (ベーシック認証)

suEXEC ラッパースクリプトを作成する必要があります。suEXEC のセキュリティ要件を満たすために、スクリプトとディレクトリの所有者は gitolite:gitolite である必要があり、/srv/http 以下に配置しなくてはなりません。ここでは例として、/srv/http/git/cgi-bin ディレクトリを作成します:

# install -o gitolite -g gitolite -d /srv/http/git/cgi-bin

Create an suEXEC wrapper for the gitolite shell with the contents below. For this example, we create it as /srv/http/git/cgi-bin/gitolite-suexec-wrapper.

# suEXEC wrapper for gitolite-shell

export GIT_PROJECT_ROOT=/var/lib/gitolite/repositories
export GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME=/var/lib/gitolite

exec /usr/lib/gitolite/gitolite-shell

Make the wrapper executable and owned by gitolite:gitolite.

# chown gitolite:gitolite /srv/http/git/cgi-bin/gitolite-suexec-wrapper
# chmod 0755 /srv/http/git/cgi-bin/gitolite-suexec-wrapper

Create an empty password database file, owned by gitolite:http

# install -o gitolite -g http -m 0640 /dev/null /srv/http/git/htpasswd

Apache's basic authentication mechanism is separate from ssh, and therefore requires a separate set of credentials. Create your web users using htpasswd.

# htpasswd /srv/http/git/htpasswd username

Add the following to your Apache vhost configuration:

SuexecUserGroup gitolite gitolite
ScriptAlias /git/ /srv/http/git/cgi-bin/gitolite-suexec-wrapper/

<Directory /srv/http/git/cgi-bin>
    Require all granted

<Location /git>
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Git Access"
    AuthBasicProvider file
    AuthUserFile /srv/http/git/htpasswd
    Require valid-user

Restart httpd.service.

Finally, in the gitolite-admin repository you cloned in the previous section, edit conf/gitolite.conf, add an R = daemon access rule to all repositories you want to make available via http, and push the changes.


ssh ユーザー

Ask each user who will get access to send you a public key. On their workstation generate the pair of ssh keys:

$ ssh-keygen

Rename each public key according to the user's name, with a .pub extension, like sitaram.pub or john-smith.pub. You can also use periods and underscores. Have the users send you the keys.

Copy all these *.pub files to keydir in your gitolite-admin repo clone. You can also organise them into various subdirectories of keydir if you wish, since the entire tree is searched.

Edit the config file (conf/gitolite.conf in your admin repo clone). See the gitolite.conf documentation (http://sitaramc.github.com/gitolite/admin.html#conf) for details on what goes in that file, syntax, etc. Just add new repos as needed, and add new users and give them permissions as required. The users names should be exactly the same as their keyfile names, but without the .pub extension

$ nano conf/gitolite.conf

Commit and push the changes them:

$ git commit -a
$ git push

http(s) ユーザー

User management for http(s) is more suitable for single-user setups. To add a new user or to change an existing user's password:

# htpasswd /srv/http/git/htpasswd username

Gitosis ライクな ssh ユーザー名

If you want to distinguish users with the same login (like username@server1, username@server2) you may want to do the following (tested with gitolite 3.04-1):

  • edit /usr/lib/gitolite/triggers/post-compile/ssh-authkeys and replace
$user =~ s/(\@[^.]+)?\.pub$//;    # baz.pub, baz@home.pub -> baz


$user =~ s/\.pub$//;              # baz@home.pub -> baz@home
  • update authorized_keys file (for example, by pushing into the gitolite-admin repository)

