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== イントロダクション ==
[http://tuomov.iki.fi/software/ Ion] はタブフレームを備えたタイル型ウィンドウマネージャです。内蔵インタプリタとして Lua を使って全ての設定を管理しています。主としてキーボードを使って操作をするようになっていますが、マウスで操作することもできます。
== インストール ==
Ion3 は [https://www.archlinux.org/news/374/ こちらのニュース] で書かれているように公式リポジトリには含まれていません。そのため {{AUR|ion3}} パッケージを使って[[インストール]]する必要があります。
$ cp /etc/ion3/* ~/.ion3
Ion3 を起動するには {{ic|~/.xinitrc}} に以下の行を追加:
exec ion3
後は以下で記述しているように Ion を設定してください。
== 設定 ==
=== cfg_ion.lua ===
Ion3 のメイン設定ファイルです。
-- Ion main configuration file
-- Some basic setup
-- Set default modifiers. Alt should usually be mapped to Mod1 on
-- XFree86-based systems. The flying window keys are probably Mod3
-- or Mod4; see the output of 'xmodmap'.
-- Maximum delay between clicks in milliseconds to be considered a
-- double click.
-- For keyboard resize, time (in milliseconds) to wait after latest
-- key press before automatically leaving resize mode (and doing
-- the resize in case of non-opaque move).
-- Opaque resize?
-- Movement commands warp the pointer to frames instead of just
-- changing focus. Enabled by default.
-- Default workspace type.
-- Load some modules, extensions and other configuration files
-- Load some modules.
-- Load some kludges to make apps behave better.
-- Make some bindings.
-- Define some menus (mod_menu required)
-- Load additional user configuration. 'true' as second parameter asks
-- Ion not to complain if the file is not found.
dopath("cfg_user", true)
{{ic|dopath}} コマンドには起動時に Ion でロードするモジュールを記述します。ロードしたくないモジュールはアンコメントしてください。
=== cfg_bindings.lua ===
-- Ion bindings configuration file. Global bindings and bindings common
-- to screens and all types of frames only. See modules' configuration
-- files for other bindings.
-- WScreen context bindings
-- The bindings in this context are available all the time.
-- The variable MOD1 should contain a string of the form 'Mod1+'
-- where Mod1 maybe replaced with the modifier you want to use for most
-- of the bindings. Similarly MOD2 may be redefined to add a
-- modifier to some of the F-key bindings.
defbindings("WScreen", {
bdoc("Switch to n:th object (workspace, full screen client window) "..
"within current screen."),
kpress(MOD1.."1", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 0)"),
kpress(MOD1.."2", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 1)"),
kpress(MOD1.."3", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 2)"),
kpress(MOD1.."4", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 3)"),
kpress(MOD1.."5", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 4)"),
kpress(MOD1.."6", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 5)"),
kpress(MOD1.."7", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 6)"),
kpress(MOD1.."8", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 7)"),
kpress(MOD1.."9", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 8)"),
kpress(MOD1.."0", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 9)"),
-- bdoc("Switch to next/previous object within current screen."),
-- kpress(MOD2.."comma", "ioncore.goto_previous()"),
-- kpress(MOD2.."period", "ioncore.goto_next()"),
kpress(MOD1.."Left", "WScreen.switch_prev(_)"),
kpress(MOD1.."Right", "WScreen.switch_next(_)"),
submap(MOD1.."K", {
bdoc("Go to previous active object."),
kpress("K", "ioncore.goto_previous()"),
bdoc("Clear all tags."),
kpress("T", "ioncore.clear_tags()"),
bdoc("Go to n:th screen on multihead setup."),
kpress(MOD1.."Shift+1", "ioncore.goto_nth_screen(0)"),
kpress(MOD1.."Shift+2", "ioncore.goto_nth_screen(1)"),
bdoc("Go to next/previous screen on multihead setup."),
kpress(MOD1.."Shift+Left", "ioncore.goto_next_screen()"),
kpress(MOD1.."Shift+Right", "ioncore.goto_prev_screen()"),
bdoc("Create a new workspace of chosen default type."),
kpress(MOD1.."F9", "ioncore.create_ws(_)"),
bdoc("Display the main menu."),
kpress(MOD1.."F12", "mod_menu.bigmenu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu')"),
mpress("Button3", "mod_menu.pmenu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu')"),
bdoc("Display the window list menu."),
mpress("Button2", "mod_menu.pmenu(_, _sub, 'windowlist')"),
-- WMPlex context bindings
-- These bindings work in frames and on screens. The innermost of such
-- contexts/objects always gets to handle the key press. Most of these
-- bindings define actions on client windows. (Remember that client windows
-- can be put in fullscreen mode and therefore may not have a frame.)
-- The "_sub:WClientWin" guards are used to ensure that _sub is a client
-- window in order to stop Ion from executing the callback with an invalid
-- parameter if it is not and then complaining.
defbindings("WMPlex", {
bdoc("Close current object."),
kpress_wait(MOD1.."C", "WRegion.rqclose_propagate(_, _sub)"),
bdoc("Nudge current client window. This might help with some "..
"programs' resizing problems."),
"WClientWin.nudge(_sub)", "_sub:WClientWin"),
bdoc("Toggle fullscreen mode of current client window."),
"WClientWin.set_fullscreen(_sub, 'toggle')",
submap(MOD1.."K", {
bdoc("Kill client owning current client window."),
kpress("C", "WClientWin.kill(_sub)", "_sub:WClientWin"),
bdoc("Send next key press to current client window. "..
"Some programs may not allow this by default."),
kpress("Q", "WClientWin.quote_next(_sub)", "_sub:WClientWin"),
bdoc("Query for manual page to be displayed."),
kpress(MOD2.."F1", "mod_query.query_man(_, ':man')"),
bdoc("Show the Ion manual page."),
kpress(MOD1.."F1", "ioncore.exec_on(_, ':man ion3')"),
bdoc("Run a terminal emulator."),
kpress(MOD1.."F2", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'urxvt')"),
bdoc("Query for command line to execute."),
kpress(MOD2.."F3", "mod_query.query_exec(_)"),
bdoc("Query for Lua code to execute."),
kpress(MOD1.."F3", "mod_query.query_lua(_)"),
bdoc("Query for host to connect to with SSH."),
kpress(MOD2.."F4", "mod_query.query_ssh(_, ':ssh')"),
bdoc("Query for file to edit."),
"mod_query.query_editfile(_, 'run-mailcap --action=edit')"),
bdoc("Query for file to view."),
"mod_query.query_runfile(_, 'run-mailcap --action=view')"),
bdoc("Query for workspace to go to or create a new one."),
kpress(MOD2.."F9", "mod_query.query_workspace(_)"),
bdoc("Query for a client window to go to."),
kpress(MOD1.."G", "mod_query.query_gotoclient(_)"),
-- WFrame context bindings
-- These bindings are common to all types of frames. The rest of frame
-- bindings that differ between frame types are defined in the modules'
-- configuration files.
defbindings("WFrame", {
bdoc("Tag current object within the frame."),
kpress(MOD1.."T", "WRegion.set_tagged(_sub, 'toggle')", "_sub:non-nil"),
submap(MOD1.."K", {
bdoc("Switch to n:th object within the frame."),
kpress("1", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 0)"),
kpress("2", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 1)"),
kpress("3", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 2)"),
kpress("4", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 3)"),
kpress("5", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 4)"),
kpress("6", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 5)"),
kpress("7", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 6)"),
kpress("8", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 7)"),
kpress("9", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 8)"),
kpress("0", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 9)"),
bdoc("Switch to next/previous object within the frame."),
kpress("N", "WFrame.switch_next(_)"),
kpress("P", "WFrame.switch_prev(_)"),
bdoc("Move current object within the frame left/right."),
kpress("comma", "WFrame.dec_index(_, _sub)", "_sub:non-nil"),
kpress("period", "WFrame.inc_index(_, _sub)", "_sub:non-nil"),
bdoc("Maximize the frame horizontally/vertically."),
kpress("H", "WFrame.maximize_horiz(_)"),
kpress("V", "WFrame.maximize_vert(_)"),
bdoc("Attach tagged objects to this frame."),
kpress("A", "WFrame.attach_tagged(_)"),
kpress(MOD1.."comma", "WFrame.switch_prev(_)"),
kpress(MOD1.."period", "WFrame.switch_next(_)"),
bdoc("Query for a client window to attach to active frame."),
kpress(MOD1.."A", "mod_query.query_attachclient(_)"),
bdoc("Display frame context menu."),
kpress(MOD1.."M", "mod_menu.menu(_, _sub, 'ctxmenu')"),
mpress("Button3", "mod_menu.pmenu(_, _sub, 'ctxmenu')"),
bdoc("Begin move/resize mode."),
kpress(MOD1.."R", "WFrame.begin_kbresize(_)"),
bdoc("Switch the frame to display the object indicated by the tab."),
mclick("Button1@tab", "WFrame.p_switch_tab(_)"),
mclick("Button2@tab", "WFrame.p_switch_tab(_)"),
bdoc("Resize the frame."),
mdrag("Button1@border", "WFrame.p_resize(_)"),
mdrag(MOD1.."Button3", "WFrame.p_resize(_)"),
bdoc("Move the frame."),
mdrag(MOD1.."Button1", "WFrame.p_move(_)"),
bdoc("Move objects between frames by dragging and dropping the tab."),
mdrag("Button1@tab", "WFrame.p_tabdrag(_)"),
mdrag("Button2@tab", "WFrame.p_tabdrag(_)"),
-- WMoveresMode context bindings
-- These bindings are available keyboard move/resize mode. The mode
-- is activated on frames with the command begin_kbresize (bound to
-- MOD1.."R" above by default).
defbindings("WMoveresMode", {
bdoc("Cancel the resize mode."),
bdoc("End the resize mode."),
bdoc("Grow in specified direction."),
kpress("Left", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 1, 0, 0, 0)"),
kpress("Right", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 1, 0, 0)"),
kpress("Up", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 1, 0)"),
kpress("Down", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 0, 1)"),
kpress("F", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 1, 0, 0, 0)"),
kpress("B", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 1, 0, 0)"),
kpress("P", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 1, 0)"),
kpress("N", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 0, 1)"),
bdoc("Shrink in specified direction."),
kpress("Shift+Left", "WMoveresMode.resize(_,-1, 0, 0, 0)"),
kpress("Shift+Right", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0,-1, 0, 0)"),
kpress("Shift+Up", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0,-1, 0)"),
kpress("Shift+Down", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 0,-1)"),
kpress("Shift+F", "WMoveresMode.resize(_,-1, 0, 0, 0)"),
kpress("Shift+B", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0,-1, 0, 0)"),
kpress("Shift+P", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0,-1, 0)"),
kpress("Shift+N", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 0,-1)"),
bdoc("Move in specified direction."),
kpress(MOD1.."Left", "WMoveresMode.move(_,-1, 0)"),
kpress(MOD1.."Right", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 1, 0)"),
kpress(MOD1.."Up", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 0,-1)"),
kpress(MOD1.."Down", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 0, 1)"),
kpress(MOD1.."F", "WMoveresMode.move(_,-1, 0)"),
kpress(MOD1.."B", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 1, 0)"),
kpress(MOD1.."P", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 0,-1)"),
kpress(MOD1.."N", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 0, 1)"),
=== cfg_menus.lua ===
-- Ion menu definitions
-- Main menu
defmenu("mainmenu", {
submenu("Programs", "appmenu"),
menuentry("Lock screen", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'xlock')"),
menuentry("Help", "mod_query.query_man(_)"),
menuentry("About Ion", "mod_query.show_about_ion(_)"),
submenu("Styles", "stylemenu"),
submenu("Session", "sessionmenu"),
-- Application menu
defmenu("appmenu", {
menuentry("Firefox","ioncore.exec_on(_, 'firefox')"),
menuentry("Thunderbird","ioncore.exec_on(_, 'thunderbird')"),
menuentry("Editor","ioncore.exec_on(_, 'lazy-edit')"),
menuentry("Player","ioncore.exec_on(_, 'lazy-player')"),
menuentry("FTP","ioncore.exec_on(_, 'lazy-ftp')"),
menuentry("GVim","ioncore.exec_on(_, 'gvim')"),
menuentry("Run...", "mod_query.query_exec(_)"),
-- Session control menu
defmenu("sessionmenu", {
menuentry("Save", "ioncore.snapshot()"),
menuentry("Restart", "ioncore.restart()"),
menuentry("Restart PWM", "ioncore.restart_other('pwm')"),
menuentry("Restart TWM", "ioncore.restart_other('twm')"),
menuentry("Exit", "ioncore.shutdown()"),
-- Context menu (frame/client window actions)
defctxmenu("WFrame", {
menuentry("Close", "WRegion.rqclose_propagate(_, _sub)"),
menuentry("Kill", "WClientWin.kill(_sub)",
menuentry("(Un)tag", "WRegion.set_tagged(_sub, 'toggle')",
menuentry("Attach tagged", "WFrame.attach_tagged(_)"),
menuentry("Clear tags", "ioncore.clear_tags()"),
menuentry("Window info", "mod_query.show_clientwin(_, _sub)",
=== cfg_ionws.lua ===
Ion のワークスペースを設定するファイルです。
-- Ion ionws module configuration file
-- Bindings for the tiled workspaces (ionws). These should work on any
-- object on the workspace.
defbindings("WIonWS", {
bdoc("Split current frame vertically."),
kpress(MOD1.."V", "WIonWS.split_at(_, _sub, 'bottom', true)"),
bdoc("Split current frame horizontally."),
kpress(MOD1.."H", "WIonWS.split_at(_, _sub, 'right', true)"),
bdoc("Destroy current frame."),
kpress(MOD1.."Tab", "WIonWS.unsplit_at(_, _sub)"),
bdoc("Go to frame above/below/right/left of current frame."),
kpress(MOD2.."Up", "WIonWS.goto_dir(_, 'above')"),
kpress(MOD2.."Down", "WIonWS.goto_dir(_, 'below')"),
kpress(MOD2.."Right", "WIonWS.goto_dir(_, 'right')"),
kpress(MOD2.."Left", "WIonWS.goto_dir(_, 'left')"),
submap(MOD1.."K", {
bdoc("Split current frame horizontally."),
kpress("S", "WIonWS.split_at(_, _sub, 'right', true)"),
bdoc("Destroy current frame."),
kpress("X", "WIonWS.unsplit_at(_, _sub)"),
-- Frame bindings. These work in (Ion/tiled-style) frames. Some bindings
-- that are common to all frame types and multiplexes are defined in
-- ion-bindings.lua.
--defbindings("WFrame-on-WIonWS", {
-- WFloatFrame context menu extras
if mod_menu then
defctxmenu("WIonWS", {
menuentry("Destroy frame",
"WIonWS.unsplit_at(_, _sub)"),
menuentry("Split vertically",
"WIonWS.split_at(_, _sub, 'bottom', true)"),
menuentry("Split horizontally",
"WIonWS.split_at(_, _sub, 'right', true)"),
menuentry("Flip", "WIonWS.flip_at(_, _sub)"),
menuentry("Transpose", "WIonWS.transpose_at(_, _sub)"),
submenu("Float split", {
menuentry("At left",
"WIonWS.set_floating_at(_, _sub, 'toggle', 'left')"),
menuentry("At right",
"WIonWS.set_floating_at(_, _sub, 'toggle', 'right')"),
"WIonWS.set_floating_at(_, _sub, 'toggle', 'up')"),
"WIonWS.set_floating_at(_, _sub, 'toggle', 'down')"),
submenu("At root", {
menuentry("Split vertically",
"WIonWS.split_top(_, 'bottom')"),
menuentry("Split horizontally",
"WIonWS.split_top(_, 'right')"),
menuentry("Flip", "WIonWS.flip_at(_)"),
menuentry("Transpose", "WIonWS.transpose_at(_)"),
=== look.lua ===
テーマの名前は {{ic|look_<name>.lua}} で、自分でテーマを作成してテーマを切り替えることもできます。

2020年7月11日 (土) 18:34時点における最新版