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このページでは Firefox の高度な設定オプションとパフォーマンスを上げる設定を説明します。



Improving Firefox's performance is divided into parameters that can be inputted while running Firefox or otherwise modifying its configuration as intended by the developers, and advanced procedures that involve foreign programs or scripts.

ノート: Always use the latest version of Firefox.

Firefox の高度なオプション

This section contains advanced Firefox options for performance tweaking. For additional information see these Mozillazine forum posts.


Advanced network settings can be found on the about:config page (try searching for network).

Suggested values
Key Value Description
network.http.pipelining true Enable pipelining for normal connections
network.http.proxy.pipelining true Enable pipelining for proxy connections


ノート: Deleting files from your profile folder is potentially dangerous, so it is recommended that you back it up first.

The anti-phishing features of Firefox may cause Firefox to become slow to start or exit. The problem is that Firefox maintains an Sqlite database that can grow quite big which makes reading and writing slower after repeated use. If you feel that you do not need Firefox to tell you which sites may be suspect you can disable this feature:

  • Turn off the following options under the security tab in preferences: "Block reported attack sites" and "Block reported web forgeries".
  • Delete all files beginning with urlclassifier in your profile folder (~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile_dir>/):
$ rm -i ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile_dir>/urlclassifier*
Some of these files might be recreated by Firefox, but they won't grow any larger than their initial size.

urlclassifier3.sqlite が作成されないようにする

If you did remove all the urlclassifier* files as mentioned above, you may find out that urlclassifier3.sqlite keeps growing again after a certain time. Here is a simple solution to avoid it for now and ever.

$ cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile_dir>
$ echo "" > urlclassifier3.sqlite
$ chmod 400 urlclassifier3.sqlite

This effectively makes the file empty and then read-only so Firefox cannot write to it anymore.

OCSP 検証の無効化

OCSP validation may cause Firefox to become slower for each (HTTPS) connection to a new server. This is worse, recently, where web gadgets are included in pages via HTTPS (e.g., "like" buttons of the social networks), resulting in many connections for a single URL.

  • Turn off the following option under Preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates -> Validation: "Use the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) to confirm the current validity of certificates".
警告: Disabling OCSP causes vulnerabilities to man-in-the-middle attacks. If you are using a potentially vulnerable connection such as Wi-Fi or VPN, it is strongly advised to leave OCSP on.


Every object loaded (html pages, jpeg images, css stylesheets, gif banners) is saved in the Firefox cache, to be loaded in the future without to download it again from the server, but only fraction of these objects will be really reused without download (usually the 30%). This because of too short expiration times for the objects, updates or simply the user behavior (to load new pages instead the ones already visited). The Firefox cache is divided in memory and disk cache and using the disk cache results to frequent disk writes, because every time an object loaded it is written to the disk and some older object is removed.

  • Turn on the following option under the advanced tab in preferences -> Network -> Validation: "Override automatic cache management" and specify zero in "Limit cache to".


The Firefox session store automatically saves the current status (opened urls, cookies, history and bookmarks) to the disk every 15 seconds. It may be too frequent for the user needs, resulting in a frequent disk access.

This setting can be found on the about:config page (try searching for sessionstore).

  • browser.sessionstore.interval 300000


Mozilla applications render web pages incrementally - they display what's been received of a page before the entire page has been downloaded. Since the start of a web page normally doesn't have much useful information to display, Mozilla applications will wait a short interval before first rendering a page. This preference controls that interval. Note that if you are on slower connections (dial up) changing this setting might make web pages load for longer times even though the page appears faster.

This setting can be created in the about:config page as

  • nglayout.initialpaint.delay with a value of 0.


This section contains some other modifications that may increase Firefox's performance.

UPX で Firefox バイナリを圧縮して起動時間を短縮

UPX is an executable packer that supports very fast decompression and induces no memory overhead. It can be installed with the upx package, availalble in the official repositories.

Before using upx to compress the Firefox executable, make a backup of the binary:

# cp /usr/lib/firefox/firefox /usr/lib/firefox/firefox.backup

Finally, invoke upx, applying the best possible compression level:

# upx --best /usr/lib/firefox/firefox

プロファイルの SQLite データベースのデフラグ

警告: This procedure may damage the databases in such a way that sessions are not saved properly.

In Firefox 3.0, bookmarks, history, passwords are kept in an SQLite databases. SQLite databases become fragmented over time and empty spaces appear all around. But, since there are no managing processes checking and optimizing the database, these factors eventually result in a performance hit. A good way to improve start-up and some other bookmarks and history related tasks is to defragment and trim unused space from these databases.

profile-cleanerAUR in the AUR does just this.

Sample size differences comparison
SQLite database Size Before Size After % change
urlclassifier3.sqlite 37 M 30 M 19 %
places.sqlite 16 M 2.4 M 85 %

tmpfs でプロファイルを RAM にキャッシュ

If the system has memory to spare, tmpfs can be used to cache the entire profile directory, which might result in increased Firefox responsiveness.



次の記事を参照してください: フォント設定

DPI の値の設定

Modifying the following value can help improve the way fonts looks in Firefox if the system's DPI is below 96. Firefox, by default, uses 96 and only uses the system's DPI if it is a higher value. To force the system's DPI regardless of its value, type about:config into the address bar and set layout.css.dpi to 0.

Note that the above method only affects the Firefox user interface's DPI settings. Web page contents still use a DPI value of 96, which may look ugly or, in the case of high-resolution displays, may be rendered too small to read. A solution is to change layout.css.devPixelsPerPx to system's DPI divided by 96. For example, if your system's DPI is 144, then the value to add is 144/96 = 1.5. Changing layout.css.devPixelsPerPx to 1.5 makes web page contents use a DPI of 144, which looks much better.

See also HiDPI#Firefox for information about HiDPI displays.

Microsoft Windows のデフォルトフォント設定

以下は Firefox を Microsoft Windows にインストールした時のデフォルトフォント設定です。多くのウェブサイトは Microsoft フォントを使っています。

Proportional: Serif Size (pixels): 16
Serif: Times New Roman
Sans-serif: Arial
Monospace: Courier New Size (pixels): 13

一般的なユーザーインターフェイスの CSS 設定

Firefox's user interface can be modified by editing the userChrome.css and userContent.css files in ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile_dir>/chrome/ (profile_dir is of the form, where the hash is an 8 character, seemingly random string and the profile name is usually default).

ノート: The chrome/ folder and userChrome.css/userContent.css files may not necessarily exist, so they may need to be created.

This section only deals with the userChrome.css file which modifies Firefox's user interface, and not web pages.


The setting effectively overrides the global GTK+ font preferences, and does not affect webpages, only the user interface itself:

* {
    font-family: "FONT_NAME";


Enables text-only buttons:

.button-box .button-icon {
    display: none;


These settings hide the arrows that appear to the horizontal edges of the tab bar, the button that toggles the "all tabs" drop-down list, and the plus sign button that creates a new tab.

/* Tab bar */

.tabbrowser-strip *[class^="scrollbutton"] {
    /* Hide tab scroll buttons */
    display: none;

.tabbrowser-strip *[class^="tabs-alltabs"] {
    /* Hide tab drop-down list */
    display: none;

.tabbrowser-strip *[class^="tabs-newtab-button"] {
    /* Hide new-tab button */
    display: none;


To place the tab bar horizontally stacked along the sides of the browser window:

/* Display the tabbar on the left */
#content > tabbox {
    -moz-box-orient: horizontal;

.tabbrowser-strip {
    -moz-box-orient: vertical;
     * You can set this to -moz-scrollbars-vertical instead,
     * but then the scrollbar will *always* be visible.  this way
     * there is never a scrollbar, so it behaves like the tab bar
     * normally does
     overflow: -moz-scrollbars-none;

.tabbrowser-tabs {
    -moz-box-orient: horizontal;
    min-width: 20ex;   /* You may want to increase this value */
    -mox-box-pack: start;
    -moz-box-align: start;

.tabbrowser-tabs > hbox {
    -moz-box-orient: vertical;
    -moz-box-align: stretch;
    -moz-box-pack: start;

.tabbrowser-tabs > hbox > tab {
    -moz-box-align: start;
    -moz-box-orient: horizontal;


#PersonalToolbar {
    visibility: collapse !important;

#navigator-toolbox:hover > #PersonalToolbar {
    visibility: visible !important;


/* remove maximum/minimum  width restriction of sidebar */
#sidebar {
    max-width: none !important;
    min-width: 0px !important;

ウェブコンテンツの CSS 設定s

This section deals with the userContent.css file in which you can add custom CSS rules for web content. Changes to this file will take effect once the browser is restarted.

This file can be used for making small fixes or to apply personal styles to frequently visited websites. Custom stylesheets for popular websites are available from sources such as You can install an add-on such as superUserContent to manage themes. This add-on creates the directory chrome/userContent.css.d and applies changes to the CSS files therein when the page is refreshed.

他の CSS ファイルのインポート

@import url("./imports/some_file.css");


@-moz-document domain( {
    div#header {
        background-image: none !important;

PDF ファイルのリンクの後ろに [pdf] を追加

/* add '[pdf]' next to links to PDF files */
a[href$=".pdf"]:after {
    font-size: smaller;
    content: " [pdf]";

リンクにマウスが乗ったときに画面下に URL を表示

a[href]:hover {
    text-decoration: none !important;

a[href]:hover:after {
    content: attr(href);
    position: fixed; left: 0px; bottom: 0px;
    padding: 0 2px !important;
    max-width: 95%; overflow: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis;
    font:10pt sans-serif !important;
    background-color: black  !important;
    color: white !important;
    opacity: 0.7;
    z-index: 9999;

Firefox 4 の新しいメニューバー/Firefox ボタン

To toggle between the new Firefox button and the classic menu bar:

  • if the button is active, check Preferences > Menu Bar, or right click in the toolbar area and check Menu Bar.
  • if the menu bar is active, uncheck View > Toolbars > Menu Bar, or right click in the toolbar area and uncheck Menu Bar.

In GNU/Linux, you will just get a plain grey button instead of the new orange one from Windows. However you can change this to either a Firefox icon or the icon followed by the "Firefox" text.

Adding the following to your ~/.mozilla/firefox/userprofile/chrome/userChrome.css file will place the icon before the text:

#appmenu-toolbar-button {
  list-style-image: url("chrome://branding/content/icon16.png");

Adding the following to the same file will remove the "Firefox" text:

#appmenu-toolbar-button > .toolbarbutton-text,
#appmenu-toolbar-button > .toolbarbutton-menu-dropmarker {
  display: none !important;

This userChrome.css configuration copies the default Windows Firefox 4+ look and adds an orange background to the button, with a purple background in Private Browsing mode:

#main-window:not([privatebrowsingmode]) #appmenu-toolbar-button {
    -moz-appearance: none !important;
    color: #FEEDFC !important;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(hsl(34,85%,60%), hsl(26,72%,53%) 95%) !important;
    border: 1px solid #000000 !important;

#main-window:not([privatebrowsingmode]) #appmenu-toolbar-button:hover:not(:active):not([open]) {
    -moz-appearance: none !important;
    color: #FEEDFC !important;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(hsl(26,72%,53%), hsl(34,85%,60%) 95%) !important;
    border: 1px solid #000000 !important;

#main-window:not([privatebrowsingmode]) #appmenu-toolbar-button:hover:active,
#main-window:not([privatebrowsingmode]) #appmenu-toolbar-button[open] {
    -moz-appearance: none !important;
    color: #FEEDFC !important;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(hsl(26,72%,53%), hsl(26,72%,53%) 95%) !important;
    border: 1px solid #000000 !important;

#appmenu-toolbar-button {
    -moz-appearance: none !important;
    color: #FEEDFC !important;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(hsl(279,70%,46%), hsl(276,75%,38%) 95%) !important;
    border: 1px solid #000000 !important;

#main-window #appmenu-toolbar-button:hover:not(:active):not([open]) {
    -moz-appearance: none !important;
    color: #FEEDFC !important;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(hsl(276,75%,38%), hsl(279,70%,46%) 95%) !important;
    border: 1px solid #000000 !important;

#main-window #appmenu-toolbar-button:hover:active,
#main-window #appmenu-toolbar-button[open] {
    -moz-appearance: none !important;
    color: #FEEDFC !important;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(hsl(276,75%,38%), hsl(276,75%,38%) 95%) !important;
    border: 1px solid #000000 !important;
ノート: You need to create both the chrome directory and userChrome.css, if they do not already exist.


See for an example of how to use userContent.css as a basic ad-blocker.


Other tips and tweaks.


マウスホイールによるスクロール速度のデフォルト値を修正するには (例: スピードアップ)、about:config を開いて mousewheel.acceleration を検索してください。利用可能なオプションが表示されるので、以下を修正します:

  • mousewheel.acceleration.start-1 に設定。
  • mousewheel.acceleration.factor を適当な値に設定 (10 から 20 が普通使われる値です)。

もしくは SmoothWheel add-on をインストールすることでも変更できます。

Firefox 検索バーの検索エンジンの順番を変更

To change the order search engines are displayed in:

  • Open the drop-down list of search engines and click Manage Search Engines... entry.
  • Highlight the engine you want to move and use Move Up or Move Down to move it. Alternatively, you can use drag-and-drop.

Abiword や LibreOffice Writer で *.doc を自動的に開く方法

Go to Preferences > Applications and search for Word Document (or Word 2007 Document for *.docx). After finding it, click the drop-down list and select Use other.... From there you have to specify the exact path to the Abiword or Writer executable (i.e./usr/bin/abiword or /usr/bin/lowriter).

"I'm Feeling Lucky" モード

Some search engines have a "feeling lucky" feature. For example, Google has "I'm Feeling Lucky", and DuckDuckGo has "I'm Feeling Ducky".

To activate them:

  1. Type about:config in the address bar.
  2. Search for the string keyword.url.
  3. Modify its value (if any) to the URL of the search engine.

For Google, set it to:

For DuckDuckGo, set it to:\

DNSSEC で DNS をセキュア化

You can enable DNSSEC support for safer browsing.


In about:config set network.protocol-handler.expose.magnet to false.

The next time you open a magnet link, you will be prompted with a Launch Application dialogue. From there simply select your chosen torrent client. This technique can also be used with other protocols.


The Disable Ctrl-Q Shortcut extension can be installed to prevent unwanted closing of the browser.

An alternative is to add a rule in your window manager configuration file. For example in openbox add:

 <keybind key="C-q">
   <action name="Execute">

in the <keyboard> section of your rc.xml file.

ノート: This will be effective for every application used under a graphic server.


Arch はブリーディングエッジなので、最新の Firefox では動作しないプラグインと互換性の問題が起こることがあります (例: Pentadactyl)。可能であれば、ナイトリー/ベータ版をインストールするか、パッケージのダウングレードを見て下さい。

Disable Add-on Compatibility Checks plugin should take care of spurious compatibility issues when the plugins get disabled, even though they work just fine with the new version.


Scrolling in Firefox can feel "jerky" or "choppy". A post on MozillaZine gives settings that work on Gentoo, but reportedly work on Arch Linux as well:

  1. Set mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount to 40
  2. Set general.smoothScroll and general.smoothScroll.pages to false
  3. Set image.mem.min_discard_timeout_ms to something really large such as 2100000000 but no more than 2140000000. Above that number Firefox will not accept your entry and complain with the error code: "The text you entered is not a number."
  4. Set image.mem.max_decoded_image_kb to at least 512K

Now scrolling should flow smoothly.

WebRTC で LAN IP アドレスが判明する

警告: This method disables WebRTC.

To prevent websites from getting your local IP address via WebRTC's peer-to-peer (and JavaScript), open about:config and set media.peerconnection.enabled to false (or use this addon).
