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2020年7月19日 (日) 11:01時点におけるBlackteahamburger (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (Blackteahamburger がページ「Evolution」を「GNOME/Evolution」に移動しました: タイトルを同期)
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

Evolution は GNOME のメールクライアントで IMAP, Microsoft Exchange Server, Novell GroupWise をサポートしています。カレンダー機能も付属しており vcal, csv, google カレンダーなどをサポートしています。Evolution で連絡先やタスク、メモなどを管理することもできます。Evolution の良いところは使いやすく GNOME 環境と統合されていることで、GNOME パネルで天気や日付と共に、カレンダーやタスク、位置などを確認できます。時計を GNOME パネルに追加するだけです。


evolution パッケージをインストールしてください。

Exchange サーバーは evolution-ews によってサポートされており、(Google カレンダーなどの) ウェブカレンダーは evolution-data-server によってサポートされています。

IMAP の設定

標準的な IMAP メールアドレスの設定方法です。Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Accounts を開いて、メールアカウントを追加して名前とメールアドレスを記述してください。それから 'forward' をクリックするとサーバータイプの入力に移ります。IMAP を選択してください。次にサーバーテキストボックスを埋めます。サーバーのアドレスとユーザー名を記入してください。残りのオプションはウィザードに従って下さい。とても簡単ですが、何か引っかかったときはガイド [1] を見て下さい。

他の IMAP の設定

Evolution から IMAP サーバーに直接接続して IMAP サーバーを PC に同期させることもできます。メールが多くなる度にハードディスクを消費しますが、同期するフォルダを制限することができます (下を参照)。また、インターネット接続がない、移動中でも、添付ファイルを含むメールの完全なコピーが閲覧できるという利点があります。

セットアップするには、offlineimap パッケージをインストールする必要があります ([2] を参照)。

Offlineimap の設定

offlineimap は ~/.offlineimaprc に書かれた設定を使うため、ファイルを作成する必要があります。大抵のユーザーは以下の .offlineimaprc を使うことができます。Gmail アカウントの最も一般的な設定です。一般的なアカウントの設定は同じですが remotehost, ssl, remoteport は適当に設定してください (下のコメントを参照)。詳しくは 公式の README を見て下さい。

accounts = MyAccount
# Set this to the number of accounts you have.
maxsyncaccounts = 1
# You can set ui = TTY.TTYUI for interactive password entry if needed.
# Setting it within this file (see below) is easier.
ui = Noninteractive.Basic

[Account MyAccount]
# Each account should have a local and remote repository
localrepository = MyLocal
remoterepository = MyGmail
# Specifies how often to do a repeated sync (if running without crond)
autorefresh = 10

[Repository MyLocal]
type = Maildir
localfolders = /home/path/to/your/maildir
# This needs to be specified so the MailDir uses a folder structure
# suitable to Evolution
sep = /

[Repository MyGmail]
# Example for a gmail account
type = Gmail
# If using some other IMAP server, uncomment and set the following:-
#remotehost =
#ssl = yes
#remoteport = 993
# Specify the Gmail user name and password.
remoteuser =
remotepass = yourpassword
# realdelete is Gmail specific, setting to no ensures that deleting
# a message sends it to 'All Mail' instead of the trash.
realdelete = no
# Use 1 here first, increase it if your connection (and the server's)
# supports it.
maxconnections = 1
# This translates folder names such that everything (including your Inbox)
# appears in the same folder (named root).
nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub('^Sent$', 'root/Sent',
 re.sub('^(\[G.*ail\]|INBOX)', 'root', foldername))
# This excludes some folders from being synced. You will almost
# certainly want to exclude 'All Mail', 'Trash', and 'Starred', at
# least. Note that offlineimap does NOT honor subscription details.
folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername not in ['[Gmail]/All Mail',
警告: Please note that any space indenting a line of code in .offlineimaprc would be considered as appending that line to the previous line. In other words, always make sure there is no space before any lines in your config file.
ヒント: This config file was done by referring both to the official example as well as to the config file in an article on (no longer available).

offlineimap の最初の同期と同期の自動化

Once you have completed your offlineimap setup, you should perform your first sync by running with your normal user account

$ offlineimap

Assuming you've set your password and all other settings correctly, offlineimap will begin to sync the requested repositories. This may take a long while, depending on connection speed and size of your mail account, so you should preferably find a fast connection to do this. You can run offlineimap using another interface by specifying

$ offlineimap -u TTY.TTYUI

This allows interactive entry of passwords.

Once you've completed your first sync, you'll want to set up automatic syncing. This can be done using crond, or just by running offlineimap on startup. The disadvantage of running offlineimap on startup (with autorefresh set) is that if for any reason an error appears, your mail will just stop syncing from that point onwards. So, running through crond requires you to add the following line to your crontab.

*/10 * * * * /path/to/scripts/runofflineimap >/dev/null 2>&1

For those unfamiliar with crontab and/or vi, just run

$ crontab -e

Press 'i' to start input, type in the line above, press Esc to escape back to the prompt, and type ':wq' to save and quit. /path/to/scripts/runofflineimap should run offlineimap itself (with -o for a single run). Here is an example script for that:-

# Run offlineimap through cron to fetch email periodically
ps aux | grep "\/usr\/bin\/offlineimap"
if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
        logger -i -t offlineimap "Another instance of offlineimap running. Exiting."
        exit 0;
        logger -i -t offlineimap "Starting offlineimap..."
        offlineimap -u Noninteractive.Quiet -o
        logger -i -t offlineimap "Done offlineimap..."
	exit 0;

You should now have an automatically synced local copy of your IMAP server. Error messages (if any) will be shown in /var/log/cron.d or one of its variants.

offlineimap の maildir を使用する Evolution の設定

This is really quite simple, use Evolution's Account Assistant and select the Server Type "Maildir-format mail directories", under the Receiving Email section. Select also the path to your maildir (the 'root' folder if you're using a modified version of the .offlineimaprc above). You can change your 'Checking for New Mail' option to something very short, even 1 minute, since this only checks your local copy and not the server-side copy. SMTP settings are according to normal usage (does not go through offlineimap).


GMail アカウントをセットアップするには Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Accounts を選択して、あなたのメールアカウントの情報を入力してください。


  • Server Type: POP
  • Server:
  • Username: <username>
  • Use Secure Connecetion: SSL encryption
  • Authenthication Type: Password

Optionally fill in automatically check for new mail every ** minutes. The rest is user specific.


  • Server type: SMTP
  • Server:
  • Port: 587
  • Server requires authentication: Checked
  • Use Secure Connection: TSL
  • Fill in Username: <username>
  • Authentication: PLAIN or Login

You are now finished with configuring evolution for gmail. Just hit Send/ Receive in the main screen and wait for new mail. If it still didn't work, go to this link [3]

Gmail カレンダー

You can use your gmail calendar in evolution here's how:

Go to your calendar in your browser. Click on manage calendars -> the click on the calendar you want to add -> In the Private URL section copy the URL of ICAL (green button).

Now go to Evolution. Click on file -> new -> calendar . In the 'new calendar dialog box' select type: On The Web. You can fill in your own calendar name Then Copy the URL to the URL field

Now you will see your google calendar in your calendar view in Evolution by the name you gave it in the Name field.

Variant2 (with evolution-webcal):

From Evolution click on -> new -> calendar . In the 'new calendar dialog box' select type: Google. You can fill in your own calendar name. Insert your username (not the email). Click the button "Get List" and choose the calendar you want to use.

Google コンタクト

Simarly with the calendar, you can sync your Google contacts in evolution.

On Evolution, click on File > New > Address Book . Choose Google as type and add your Google account email as the User.

ノート: The above does not work since Google has turned off the old developer APIs which Evolution uses. You will need to create a Gnome online account (GOA) for your google account. Install gnome-control-center to be able to create a GOA and select what you would like to sync. You can delete/disable any google addressbooks created in evolution directly, else you will see two addressbooks

Tudelft ウェブメール (Exchange)

This is the setup for your tudelft webmail for evolution. It might also work for other webmail based email accounts.

Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Accounts and make a mail account. For your Email Adress: <netid> . Be carefull your <netid> must be like this example:

Receiving mail: Server type: Microsoft Exchange Username: <netid> this is just your netid like this example: edevries OWA URL: -> now click 'Authenticate' and fill in your password. The mailbox will be filled in automaticlly

Click Forward: The receiving options are already correct, you can select the option to automaticlly receive email every x minutes.

Click Forward: Now just fill in the name of the mailbox and you are done.

Gnome 以外で Evolution を使う

Gnome デスクトップの外で Evolution を使うには gnome-keyring をエクスポートする必要があります:

eval \`gnome-keyring-daemon\`

Evolution を起動する前に上記のスクリプトを実行してください。実行する前に再起動したり /tmp ディレクトリのファイルを削除する必要があります。


辞書をインストールしてください。pacman -Ss aspell for a list of dictionaries.


If after some system upgrade one gets no accounts in Evolution then all is not lost. First, we can see if we got our account files in ~/.evolution/, if so, then the only solution is to just make a new account in Evolution with the same parameters. (I only lost the signatures

Failing to Synchronize with Server

If you change internet connections, such as switching VPN or restart X, Evolution may have problems connecting to the mail servers. You would see it endlessly trying to connect in the status bar at the bottom.

A possible solution is to switch to "Work Offline" select "Don't Synchronize” in the pop-up. Then after a minute has passed, go back to On-line mode. It should now have no problem fetching from the mail servers.
