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Dm-crypt に戻る。

ヒント: If in need to remotely unlock root or other early-boot filesystems (headless machine, distant servers...), follow the specific instructions from Dm-crypt/Specialties#Remote unlocking of encrypted root.


When encrypting a system it is necessary to regenerate the initial ramdisk after properly configuring mkinitcpio. Depending on the particular scenarios, a subset of the following hooks will have to be enabled:

  • encrypt: always needed when encrypting the root partition, or a partition that needs to be mounted before root; it must come before the filesystems hook; it is not needed in all the other cases, as system initialization scripts like /etc/crypttab take care of unencrypting any other partitions.
  • shutdown: recommended before mkinitcpio 0.16 to ensure controlled unmounting during system shutdown. It is still functional, but not deemed necessary anymore.
  • keymap: provides support for foreign keymaps for typing encryption passwords; it must come before the encrypt hook.
  • keyboard: needed to make USB keyboards work in early userspace.
    • usbinput: deprecated, but can be given a try in case keyboard does not work.

Other hooks needed should be clear from other manual steps followed during the installation of the system.


暗号化された root パーティションを起動できるようにするには、以下のカーネルパラメータのサブセットを設定する必要があります: 設定する方法はカーネルパラメータの使用しているブートローダーの手順を見て下さい。例えば GRUB を使用しているならブート設定を生成する前に /etc/default/grub にパラメータを追加するのが良いでしょう。


This parameter will make the system prompt for the passphrase to unlock the device containing the encrypted root on a cold boot. It is parsed by the encrypt hook to identify which device contains the encrypted system:

  • device is the path to the raw encrypted device. Usage of Persistent block device naming is advisable.
  • dmname is the device-mapper name given to the device after decryption, which will be available as /dev/mapper/dmname.
  • If the encrypted device contains a LVM, the name of the volume group (vgname) containing the logical volume of the root partition serves as dmname. The parameter then takes the form of cryptdevice=device:vgname.
  • If a LVM contains the encrypted root, the LVM gets activated first and the volume group containing the logical volume of the encrypted root serves as device. It is then followed by the respective volume group to be mapped to root. The parameter follows the form of cryptdevice=/dev/vgname/lvname:dmname.


This parameter is needed when not using GRUB. The reason GRUB does not require this is because the grub.cfg generated by grub-mkconfig is meant to handle specifying the root for you.

  • device is the device file of the actual (decrypted) root file system. If the file system is formatted directly on the decrypted device file this will be /dev/mapper/dmname.
  • If a LVM gets activated first and contains an encrypted logical rootvolume, the above form applies as well.
  • If the root file system is contained in a logical volume of a fully encrypted LVM, the device mapper for it will be in the general form of root=/dev/mapper/volumegroup-logicalvolume.


  • device is the device file of the decrypted (swap) filesystem used for suspend2disk. If swap is on a separate partition, it will be in the form of /dev/mapper/swap. See also Dm-crypt/Swap encryption.


This parameter is required by the encrypt hook for reading a keyfile to unlock the cryptdevice. It can have two parameter sets, depending on whether the keyfile exists as a file or a bitstream starting on a specific location.

For a file the format is:

  • device is the raw block device where the key exists.
  • fstype is the filesystem type of device (or auto).
  • path is the absolute path of the keyfile within the device.

Example: cryptkey=//dev/usbstick:vfat:/secretkey

For a bitstream on a device the key's location is specified with the following:


Example: cryptkey=/dev/sdZ:0:512 reads a 512 bit keyfile starting at the beginning of the device.

See also Dm-crypt/Device encryption#Keyfiles.


This parameter is specific to pass dm-crypt plain mode options to the encrypt hook.

It takes the form


The arguments relate directly to the cryptsetup options. See Dm-crypt/Device encryption#Encryption options for plain mode.

For a disk encrypted with just plain default options, the crypto arguments must be specified, but each entry can be left blank:


A specific example of arguments is



The /etc/crypttab (or, encrypted device table) file contains a list of encrypted devices that are to be unlocked when the system boots, similar to fstab. This file can be used for automatically mounting encrypted swap devices or secondary filesystems.

It is read before fstab, so that dm-crypt containers can be unlocked before the filesystem inside is mounted. Note that crypttab is read after the system has booted, so it is not a replacement for unlocking via mkinitcpio hooks and boot loader options in the case of an encrypted root scenario. The boot time processing of crypttab is done by the systemd-cryptsetup-generator automatically, i. e. there is no need to activate it.

See the crypttab man page for details, below for further examples and #Mounting at boot time for setup steps using a device's UUID.

警告: An unresolved systemd bug exists in the crypttab processing logic for dm-crypt --type plain devices with a keyfile. Do not use systemd-cryptsetup manually for device creation to work around it! The systemd (>217) workaround is to add the hash=plain option to crypttab. Another workaround is to use a small custom unit calling cryptsetup with the plain mode options and the keyfile to open and mount such devices during boot/shutdown instead.
 # Example crypttab file. Fields are: name, underlying device, passphrase, cryptsetup options.
 # Mount /dev/lvm/swap re-encrypting it with a fresh key each reboot
 swap	/dev/lvm/swap	/dev/urandom	swap,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256
 # Mount /dev/lvm/tmp as /dev/mapper/tmp using plain dm-crypt with a random passphrase, making its contents unrecoverable after it is dismounted.
 tmp	/dev/lvm/tmp	/dev/urandom	tmp,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256 
 # Mount /dev/lvm/home as /dev/mapper/home using LUKS, and prompt for the passphrase at boot time.
 home   /dev/lvm/home
 # Mount /dev/sdb1 as /dev/mapper/backup using LUKS, with a passphrase stored in a file.
 backup /dev/sdb1       /home/alice/backup.key


If you want to mount an encrypted drive at boot time, just enter the device's UUID in /etc/crypttab. You get the UUID (partition) by using the command lsblk -f and adding it to

 externaldrive         UUID=2f9a8428-ac69-478a-88a2-4aa458565431        none    luks,timeout=180

The first parameter is your preferred device mapper's name for your encrypted drive. The option none will trigger a prompt during boot to type the passphrase for unlocking the partition. The timeout option defines the timeout in seconds for entering the decryption password while booting. A keyfile can also be set up and referenced instead of none. This results in an automatic unlocking, if the keyfile is accessible during boot. Since LUKS offers the option to have multiple keys, the chosen option can also be changed later.

Use the device mapper's name you've defined in /etc/crypttab in /etc/fstab as shown here:

 /dev/mapper/externaldrive      /mnt/backup               ext4    defaults,errors=remount-ro  0  2

Since /dev/mapper/externaldrive already is the result of a unique partition mapping, there is no need to specify an UUID for it. In any case, the mapper with the filesystem will have a different UUID than the partition it is encrypted in.