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この記事では (あまり有名でない) デフォルトのキーボードショートカットのリストとユーザーカスタマイズの情報を提供します。



There are several low level shortcuts that are implemented in the kernel which can be used for debugging and recovering from an unresponsive system. Whenever possible, it is recommended that you use these shortcuts instead of doing a hard shutdown (holding down the power button to completely power off the system).

To use these, they must first be activated with either sysctl kernel.sysrq=1 or echo "1" > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq. If you wish to have it enabled during boot, edit /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf and set kernel.sysrq = 1.

A common idiom to remember this is "Reboot Even If System Utterly Broken" (also referred to as "REISUB"). Alternatively, think of it as "BUSIER" backwards.

Keyboard Shortcut Description
Alt+SysRq+r Unraw Take control of keyboard back from X.
Alt+SysRq+e Terminate Send SIGTERM to all processes, allowing them to terminate gracefully.
Alt+SysRq+i Kill Send SIGKILL to all processes, forcing them to terminate immediately.
Alt+SysRq+s Sync Flush data to disk.
Alt+SysRq+u Unmount Unmount and remount all filesystems read-only.
Alt+SysRq+b Reboot Reboot
  • ディスプレイマネージャを使っていて Alt+SysRq+e でログイン画面が表示される場合 (もしくは自動ログインが有効になっていてデスクトップが表示される場合)、サービスファイルRestart=always ディレクティブが原因です。必要ならば、ユニットを編集してください。ただし "REISUB" シーケンスを止めることはできません。
  • If all the above combinations work except Alt+SysRq+b, try using the contralateral Alt key.
  • On laptops that use Fn key to differentiate SysRq from PrtScrn, it may not actually be necessary to use the Fn key (i.e., Alt+PrtSc+letter could work).

See Magic SysRq key - Wikipedia for more details.



Keyboard Shortcut Description
Ctrl+Alt+Del Reboots Computer (specified by the symlink /usr/lib/systemd/system/ctrl-alt-del.target)
Alt+F1, F2, F3, ... Switch to n-th virtual console
Alt+ ← Switch to previous virtual console
Alt+ → Switch to next virtual console
Scroll Lock When Scroll Lock is activated, input/output is locked
Shift+PgUp/PgDown Scrolls console buffer up/down
Ctrl+c Kills current task
Ctrl+d Inserts an EOF
Ctrl+z Pauses current Task


GNU readline is a commonly used library for line-editing; it is used for example by Bash, FTP, and many more (see the details of readline package under "Required By" for more examples). readline is also customizable (see man page for details).

Keyboard Shortcut Description
Ctrl+l Clear the screen
Cursor Movement
Ctrl+b Move cursor one character to the left
Ctrl+f Move cursor one character to the right
Alt+b Move cursor one word to the left
Alt+f Move cursor one word to the right
Ctrl+a Move cursor to start of the line
Ctrl+e Move cursor to end of the line
Copy & Paste
Ctrl+u Cut everything from line start to cursor
Ctrl+k Cut everything from the cursor to end of the line
Alt+d Cut the current word after the cursor
Ctrl+w Cut the current word before the cursor
Ctrl+y Paste the previous cut text
Alt+y Paste the second latest cut text
Alt+Ctrl+y Paste the first argument of the previous command
Alt+./_ Paste the last argument of the previous command
Ctrl+p Move to the previous line
Alt+n Move to the next line
Ctrl+s Search
Ctrl+r Reverse search
Ctrl+j End search
Ctrl+g Abort search (restores original line)
Alt+r Restores all changes made to line
Tab Auto-complete a name
Alt+? List all possible completions
Alt+* Insert all possible completions


Keyboard Shortcut Description
Ctrl+Alt+F1, F2, F3, ... Switch to n-th virtual console
Mouse Button 3
Copy selected text to clipboard, or paste from clipboard



This example adds keys that allow (in vi-mode) to search backward through the history for the string of characters between the start of the current line and the point. This is a non-incremental search.

set editing-mode vi
set keymap vi-insert
"\C-r": history-search-backward
"\C-e": history-search-forward


一般的なショートカットや、デフォルトで無効になっているショートカットは Xorg でのキーボード設定#よく使われる XKB オプションを見て下さい。


customizable-shortcuts アドオンを使ってください。

X-selection-paste のキーバインディング

Users who prefer to work rather with the keyboard than the mouse may benefit from a key binding to the paste operation of the middle mouse button. This is especially useful in a keyboard-centered environment. A workflow example is:

  1. In Firefox, select a string you want to google for (with the mouse).
  2. Hit Ctrl+k to enter the "Google search" field.
  3. Hit F12 to paste the buffer, instead of moving the mouse pointer to the field and center-click to paste.
ノート: Shift+Insert has a similar yet different functionality, see #X11: Shift+Insert inserts the clipboard buffer, not the x-selection-paste buffer. In some applications, these two buffers are mirrored.

The method suggested here uses three packages available in the official repositories:

  • xsel to give access to the x-selection-buffer content.
  • Xbindkeys to bind a key-stroke to an action.
  • xvkbd to pass the buffer string to the application by emulating keyboard input.

This example binds the x-selection-paste operation to the F12 key:

"xvkbd -no-jump-pointer -xsendevent -text "\D1`xsel`" 2>/dev/null"

The "\D1" code prefixes a 100 ms pause to inserting the selection buffer (see the xvkbd home page).

ノート: Depending on your X configuration, you may need to drop the -xsendevent argument to xvkbd.

The key codes for keys other than F12 can be determined using xbindkeys -k.


XMonad Window Manager

In the xmonad window manager there is a built-in function to paste the x-selection-buffer content. In order to bind that function to a key-stroke (here Insert key) the following configuration can be used:

import XMonad.Util.Paste
  -- X-selection-paste buffer
  , ((0,                     xK_Insert), pasteSelection) ]

Using xdotool - command-line X11 automation tool

With the xdotool it is possible to create a short cut which actually paste the content of the X-Selection buffer via triggering the middle mouse button. Instead of hit the text as separate key strokes. The command for the short cut is:

xdotool getwindowfocus key --window %1 click 2

The command get the window which has focus from the xserver and triggers a click of button 2 which is the middle mouse button.

Tips and tricks
