Termite はタイル型ウィンドウマネージャでの使用を想定して作れたミニマルなターミナルエミュレータです。モーダルアプリケーションであり、Vim と同じように、キーバインディングの機能が異なる挿入モードとコマンドモードがあります。
設定ファイルでカラーやキーバインディングを変更することができます。Termite は透過や256色やトゥルーカラー (1677万色) のパレットをサポートします。ルックアンドフィールは urxvt と似ています。
Termite は vte ターミナルエミュレータライブラリをベースとしており、Arch User Repository の termite-gitAUR でインストールできます。
Termite starts in insert mode by default. Text may be selected using the mouse, or by using command-mode keys. In insert mode, Ctrl-Shift-c
is used to copy selected text to the X clipboard, Ctrl-Shift-v
to paste. Ctrl-tab
starts scrollback completion, and Ctrl-Shift-up
/ Ctrl-Shift-down
scroll the screen up or down.
enters command-mode. Many commands are borrowed from Vim, for example v
for visual mode, Shift-v
for visual line mode, Ctrl-v
for visual block mode, y
to copy ("yank") selected text, /
and ?
for searching, w
, b
, ^
, $
for movement, and Escape
to go back to insert mode.
Termite looks for configuration files in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/termite/config
, ~/.config/termite/config
, $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/termite/config
and /etc/xdg/termite.cfg
. The configuration file is used to change options such as font, colors, window hints, etc. The configuration file is in ini format, with three sections: options, colors, and hints.
Fonts are specified in the format font=<font_name> <font_size>
under the options section. <font_name>
is specified according to fontconfig, not Xft. Use fc-list
to see which fonts are available on the system (see also Font_configuration#Font_paths).
[options] font = Monospace 9 font = Terminus (TTF) 8 font = Droid Sans Mono 8
Colors consist of either a 24-bit hex value (e.g. #4a32b1
), or an rgba vector (e.g. rgba(16, 32, 64, 0.5)
). Valid properties for colors are foreground
, foreground_bold
, foreground_dim
, background
, cursor
, and colorN
(where N is an integer from zero through 254; used to assign a 24-bit color value to terminal colorN).
[colors] foreground = #dcdccc background = #3f3f3f
As of version 9, Termite supports true transparency via color definitions that specify an alpha channel value [1]. This requires a compositor to be running, such as Compton or xcompmgr. Most compositors do not require special configuration for Termite to use transparency.
[colors] background = rgba(63, 63, 63, 0.8)
ls の出力をカラー化
For colored ls
output it is necessary to use a custom LS_COLORS environment variable, which can be set with a dircolors
file. Generate one with:
$ dircolors -p > ~/.dircolors
Then edit ~/.dircolors
file, and append
TERM xterm-termite
to the end of the list of terminals, and save the file.
For Bash in ~/.bashrc
and Zsh in ~/.zshrc
, add:
eval $(dircolors ~/.dircolors)
and restart the terminal. For fish, add
eval (dircolors -c ~/.dircolors | sed 's/>&\/dev\/null$//')
to ~/.config/fish/config.fish
and relogin or reload the config via:
. ~/.config/fish/config.fish
Ctrl-T が動作しない
Ctrl-T should open a new tab, but it sometimes fails with certain shells. If the termite window outputs no directory uri set
when this happens, the solution is to add
. /etc/profile.d/vte.sh
to your ~/.zshrc
See this stackexchange question for more details.