Uim を使って日本語を入力
このページは uim を使った日本語入力の方法について説明します。
もしあなたがSCIMを使っているなら、Smart Common Input Method platform を参照して下さい。
詳細については Fonts を参照して下さい。
- IPA フォント (AUR: テンプレート:Package AUR)
- 高品質で無償で利用できるアウトラインフォント。ゴシック体 (サンセリフ体) や明朝体 (セリフ体) グリフを含む。openSUSE の日本語ロケールの標準フォント。
- Takao フォント (AUR: テンプレート:Package AUR)
- IPAフォントの派生フォント。IPAフォントの問題を修正している。Ubuntu 日本語ローカライズ版 の日本語標準フォント。
- VL ゴシック (AUR: テンプレート:Package AUR)
- Debian、Fedora、Vine Linux などの日本語環境で採用されている標準フォント。
- UmePlus ゴシック (AUR: テンプレート:Package AUR)
- Mandriva Linux 日本語環境の標準フォント。
2ちゃんねるの Shift JIS アート を適切に表示したい場合、次のいずれかのフォントを使うと良いでしょう:
- IPAモナーフォント (AUR: テンプレート:Package AUR)
- Monapo フォント (AUR: テンプレート:Package AUR)
pacman を使う
Pull down the necessary things with a :
# pacman -S uim
PKGBUILD を使ってソースから uim をコンパイル
For instance, in the case of the followings, you should compile from source:
- Arch repo's package is out-of-date: It's
frequentlysometimes out-of-date :P - You want to use Anthy(UTF-8): As of uim 1.5.7, Anthy(UTF-8) support is disabled by default (default text encoding is EUC-JP).
- You use KDE and want to use uim-qt-tools: All tools for Qt are disabled by default.
The one of the easy way to build from source is using ABS.
First, install ABS:
# pacman -S abs
Update ABS:
# abs
Then, copy uim's directory to under your $HOME. For example:
$ cp -R /var/abs/extra/uim ~/sources/
Next, edit テンプレート:Filename. Typical build options are as follows:
- Enable Anthy(UTF-8) support
- Do not build gnome-applet. You can drop gnome-panel from makedepends (also optdepends).
- Build uim-tools for Qt (needs Qt)
- Build UimQt (Qt immodule support) for Qt4 (needs Qt)
Here is a sample of custom PKGBUILD for enable anthy-utf8 support, disable gnome-applet and supports to invert the color of mode icons (see below) based on uim 1.5.7 in extra.
## You can invert the color of mode icons by uncommenting below line. This is useful for darker theme. #_icon4darker=yes pkgname=uim-custom _pkgname=uim pkgver=1.5.7 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Multilingual input method library" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://code.google.com/p/uim/" license=('custom') depends=('m17n-lib' 'ncurses' 'gtk2') #makedepends=('gnome-panel' 'pkgconfig' 'gettext' 'intltool') makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'gettext' 'intltool') #optdepends=('gnome-panel: for using the GNOME applet') options=('!libtool') provides=('uim') conflicts=('uim') install=uim.install source=(http://uim.googlecode.com/files/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2) md5sums=('b84a43fb92d7ceb4bd801a76120c2a71') if [[ "$_icon4darker" = "yes" ]]; then makedepends=(${makedepends[@]} imagemagick) _modify_icons=( direct_input.png ja_direct.png ja_fullwidth_alnum.png ja_halfkana.png ja_halfwidth_alnum.png ja_hiragana.png ja_katakana.png unknown.png ) fi build() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" # invert the color of mode icons for darker theme if [[ "$_icon4darker" = "yes" ]]; then cd pixmaps for _icon in ${_modify_icons[@]} do convert -negate $_icon tmp.${_icon} || return 1 mv -f tmp.${_icon} $_icon done cd - fi ./configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib/uim \ --with-anthy-utf8 \ --disable-gnome-applet \ || return 1 make || return 1 } package() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1 install -D -m644 COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING" }
Finally, run makepkg under uim directory to make and install package:
$ makepkg -s -i
Anthy is one of the most popular Japanese input method in open source world. Though it is not maintained for a long time, Debian succeeds it from May 2010.
To install Anthy :
# pacman -S anthy
Modified Anthy
Modified Anthy is a set of patches and huge extended dictionaries which aims to improve the Kana-Kanji conversion quality of original Anthy.
PKGBUILD を使って Modified Anthy をコンパイル
Modified Anthy consists two different sources:
The G-HAL patches allows only hand-operated download so you have to get by yourself from here. As of 2010-07-05, latest stable version archive is:
Search and get it (or newer archive) from the page.
Here is a sample of the PKGBUILD:
pkgname=modified-anthy _pkgname=anthy pkgver=20100710 _pkgver=9100h _ghalarc="anthy-9100h.patch13B-23-iconv-ucdict.2010629.alt-depgraph-100603d.alt-cannadic-100603-patch100628.zipdic-201005-patch100614.tar.lzma" _utver=20100710 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Hiragana text to Kana Kanji mixed text Japanese input method" arch=("i686" "x86_64") url="http://sourceforge.jp/projects/anthy/" license=('LGPL' 'GPL') depends=('glibc') options=('!libtool' 'force') provides=("anthy=${_pkgver}") conflicts=('anthy') source=(${_ghalarc} "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mdk-ut/30-source/source/anthy-ut-patches-${_utver}.tar.bz2") md5sums=('6be18e8ef5fec087ead4b6ebf798219b' 'd7321adeaed49dda8b06407c64c91973') build() { cd ${srcdir} tar xvf $_ghalarc --lzma cd ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${_pkgver} # UTSUMI dictionalies and patches cat anthy-conf.in ${srcdir}/anthy-ut-patches-${_utver}/ghal-patch/conf > anthy-conf.in.new || return 1 mv -f anthy-conf.in.new anthy-conf.in cp -f ${srcdir}/anthy-ut-patches-${_utver}/dictionaries/* alt-cannadic/ cp -f ${srcdir}/anthy-ut-patches-${_utver}/zipcode/zipcode.t mkworddic/ cp -f ${srcdir}/anthy-ut-patches-${_utver}/mkworddic/dict.args.in mkworddic/dict.args.in mkdir -p doc-ut cp -f ${srcdir}/anthy-ut-patches-${_utver}/AUTHORS \ ${srcdir}/anthy-ut-patches-${_utver}/ChangeLog.* \ ${srcdir}/anthy-ut-patches-${_utver}/README* \ ${srcdir}/anthy-ut-patches-${_utver}/THANKS \ doc-ut autoreconf -fiv || return 1 ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc || return 1 make EMACS=emacs sysconfdir=/etc || return 1 } package() { cd ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${_pkgver} make EMACS=emacs DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1 }
Finally, run makepkg to make and install package:
$ makepkg -s -i
If you have already used original Anthy, you have to convert the existing learning data format.
$ rm ~/.anthy/last-record1_*.bin $ anthy-agent --update-base-record $ rm ~/.anthy/last-record1_*.bin $ anthy-agent --update-base-record
(Though this step repeats the same commands twice, it is not mistypes.)
Mozc (on AUR) is a Japanese open source input method originates from Google Japanese Input. It is considered that it has better conversion quality than Anthy as for multi segments conversion (e.g. one sentence) in a lump but the dictionary is not so sufficient. Though Mozc adapts to only ibus and scim input method framework, macuim provides uim-mozc plugin and you can use it with テンプレート:Package AUR on AUR.
PKGBUILD を使って Mozc をコンパイル (uim から Mozc を使う)
First, you get mozc-svn tarball from AUR (or use AUR tools like yaourt) and edit the PKGBUILD to enable uim-mozc. That is, uncomment テンプレート:Codeline line and you can comment out テンプレート:Codeline line to disable ibus module if unnecessary:
## You can choose the input method framework to use either ibus, uim or both. ## If you will be not using ibus, comment out below. #_ibus_mozc="yes" ## If you will be using uim, uncomment below. _uim_mozc="yes" ## If you will be using scim, uncomment below. #_scim_mozc="yes"
日本の郵便番号辞書の構築 (オプション)
mozc-svn can import Japanese zip code by Japan Post as dictionary seed.
To add zip code dictionary, edit the following lines in PKGBUILD:
## You can add Japanese zip code provided by Japan Post. ## If you want to use it, uncomment below. _zipcode="yes"
Next, build and install:
$ makepkg -s -i
Finally, register Mozc on uim.
# uim-module-manager --register mozc
When you have uninstalled Mozc, unregister it from uim.
# uim-module-manager --unregister mozc
Add the followings to ~/.xprofile, ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession:
export GTK_IM_MODULE='uim' export QT_IM_MODULE='uim' uim-xim & export XMODIFIERS=@im='uim'
If you want to use UimToolbar utilities which shows and controls uim mode, add one of the followings too.
Using toolbar appears as a window:
uim-toolbar-gtk &
or if you built テンプレート:Codeline, you can add:
uim-toolbar-qt &
Using toolbar for system tray:
uim-toolbar-gtk-systray &
Or, if you use GNOME, KDE or Xfce, you can use uim-toolbar panel applet (Xfce requires xfce4-xfapplet-plugin to use uim-applet-gnome and KDE requires to buid uim with テンプレート:Codeline).
uim の外観
Configure uim preferences by running :
$ uim-pref-gtk
which brings forth a GUI.
Choose テンプレート:Codeline, テンプレート:Codeline or テンプレート:Codeline for 'Default input method'.
You can run テンプレート:Codeline or restart X to test your settings.
Provided everything went well you should be able to input Japanese in X.
Emacs で uim を使う
uim provides uim.el the bridge software between Emacs and uim.
Here is a sample to use uim with utf-8 encoding. Add the following into your テンプレート:Filename or some other file for Emacs customizing.
;; read uim.el (require 'uim) ;; uncomment next and comment out previous to load uim.el on-demand ;; (autoload 'uim-mode "uim" nil t) ;; key-binding for activate uim (ex. C-\) (global-set-key "\C-\\" 'uim-mode) ;; Set UTF-8 as preferred character encoding (default is euc-jp). (setq uim-lang-code-alist (cons '("Japanese" "Japanese" utf-8 "UTF-8") (delete (assoc "Japanese" uim-lang-code-alist) uim-lang-code-alist))) ;; Set Hiragana input mode at activating uim with anthy (utf-8). ;(setq uim-default-im-prop '("action_anthy_utf8_hiragana")) ;; Set Hiragana input mode at activating uim with mozc. ;(setq uim-default-im-prop '("action_mozc_hiragana"))
Please see Official wiki for more detail.
You may need to add the following to disable xim on Emacs into your テンプレート:Filenames or テンプレート:Filename.
Emacs.UseXIM: false
Cannot input Japanese on Opera
Opera で日本語入力ができない
If you use Opera and cannot input Japanese with uim, try to edit environment variable as follows:
export QT_IM_MODULE='xim'
uim-toolbar-gtk-systray: トレイアイコンがクラッシュする
uim-toolbar-gtk-systray isn't compliant with freedesktop.org system tray specs so some icons are shown in one icon space by default. Choose just one of them to solve it. The steps to display only 'Input mode' icon for example as follows:
- Run テンプレート:Codeline.
- Click 'Toolbar' on 'Group' list.
- Take the all checkmarks off.
- Click 'Anthy', 'Anthy (UTF-8)' or 'Mozc' which you are using on 'Group' list.
- Click Edit button in 'Toolbar' box -> 'Enable toolbar buttons' line.
- Enable only 'Input mode' and click 'Close' button.
- Click 'OK' button to close uim-pref-gtk.
The tray icon will be displayed "あ" (Hiragana mode) or "ー" (Direct mode).
暗いテーマを使用しているので uim モードのアイコンが見えません
Modify icons in accordance with your theme (e.g. invert the colors). The icons which should be modified will be as follows:
- Path: テンプレート:Filename
- Files:
There is a sample PKGBUILD to apply it. See above.