dd を使う
dd コマンドはシンプルでありながら、多目的に使える強力なツールです。ファイルシステムのタイプやオペレーティングシステムとは関係なく、ブロックごとに、コピーを行うことができます。ライブ CD などの、ライブ環境から dd を使用すると便利です。
物理ディスク /dev/sda
のパーティション 1 を、物理ディスク /dev/sdb
のパーティション 1 に複製。
# dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 bs=512 conv=noerror,sync
物理ディスク /dev/sdX
を物理ディスク /dev/sdY
# dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY bs=512 conv=noerror,sync
このコマンドは MBR (とブートローダー)、全てのパーティション、UUID、データを含めディスクの全てを複製します。
は読み取りエラーを全て無視して操作を続行します。dd のデフォルトの挙動ではエラーがあると dd は動作を停止します。sync
sets the block size to 512 bytes, the "classic" block size for hard drives. If and only if your hard drives have a 4K block size, you may use "4096" instead of "512". Also, please read the warning below, because there is more to this than just "block sizes" - it also influences how read errors propagate.
The dd utility technically has an "input block size" (IBS) and an "output block size" (OBS). When you set bs
, you effectively set both IBS and OBS. Normally, if your block size is, say, 1M, dd will read 1M bytes and write 1M bytes. But if a read error occurs, things will go wrong. Many people seem to think that dd will "fill up read errors with zeroes" if you use the noerror,sync
options, but this is not what happens. dd will, according to documentation, fill up the OBS to IBS size, which means adding zeroes at the end of the block. This means, for a disk, that effectively the whole 1M would become messed up because of a single 512 byte read error in the beginning of the read: ERROR6789 would become 678900000 instead of 000006789.
If you are positive that your disk does not contain any errors, you could proceed using a larger block size, which will increase the speed of your copying manifold. For example, changing bs from 512 to 64K changed copying speed from 35MB/s to 120MB/s on a simple Celeron 2.7GHz system. But keep in mind, that read errors on the source disk will end up as block errors on the destination disk, i.e. a single 512 bytes read error will mess up the whole 64k output block.
MBR のバックアップ
MBR はディスクの頭512バイトに保存されています。MBR は3つの構成部位から成ります:
- 最初の446バイトにはブートローダーが含まれます。
- 次の64バイトにはパーティションテーブルが含まれます (16バイトごとに4エントリ、1つのエントリに1つのプライマリパーティション)。
- 最後の2バイトには識別子が含まれます。
MBR を "mbr.img" ファイルに保存するには:
# dd if=/dev/sdX of=/path/to/mbr_file.img bs=512 count=1
リストアするには (be careful: this could destroy your existing partition table and with it access to all data on the disk):
# dd if=/path/to/mbr_file.img of=/dev/sdX
ブートローダーだけをリストアして、プライマリパーティションテーブルのエントリはそのままにしたい場合、MBR の最初の446バイトだけをリストアしてください:
# dd if=/path/to/mbr_file.img of=/dev/sdX bs=446 count=1
# dd if=/path/to/mbr_file.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1 skip=446 count=64
完全な dd ディスクイメージから MBR を取得することもできます:
# dd if=/path/to/disk.img of=/path/to/mbr_file.img bs=512 count=1
1. liveCD や liveUSB から起動。
2. Make sure no partitions are mounted from the source hard drive.
3. Mount the external HD
4. Backup the drive.
# dd if=/dev/sdX conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c > /path/to/backup.img.gz
If necessary (e.g. when the format of the external HD is FAT32) split the disk image in volumes (see also split man pages).
# dd if=/dev/sdX conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c | split -a3 -b2G - /path/to/backup.img.gz
5. Save extra information about the drive geometry necessary in order to interpret the partition table stored within the image. The most important of which is the cylinder size.
# fdisk -l /dev/sdX > /path/to/list_fdisk.info
# gunzip -c /path/to/backup.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sdX
# cat /path/to/backup.img.gz* | gunzip -c | dd of=/dev/sdX
When you need to create the hard drive or a single partition compressed backup image file you must use compression tools which can do backup from a stdout and the dd command. Those compressed files cannot be mounted by the mount command but are useful to know how to create and restore them.
Install the p7zip package from the official repositories. This backup example will split the dd command output in the files by up to the 100 megabyte each:
# dd if=/dev/sdXY | 7z a -v100m -t7z -si image-file.7z
Restore with 7zip:
# 7z x -so image-file.7z | dd of=/dev/sdXY
Install the zip package from the official repositories, which contains zipsplit among other utilities for the management of zip archives.
It will create a file with "-" name inside the image-file.zip file which will contain data from the dd command output. To make a raw output of the file you can use the -cp
option with unzip in stdout for the dd command.
# dd if=/dev/sdXY | zip --compression-method bzip2 image-file.zip -
# unzip -cp image-file.zip | dd of=/dev/sdXY
The zip tool cannot split files on the fly but you can use the zipsplit
utility on an already created file.
See also man zip
for more information.
Install the rarAUR package from the AUR.
This should do a backup and split the creating file on the fly in by up to 150 megabyte files each.
# dd if=/dev/sdXY | rar a -v150m -siimage-file.rar
This should restore
# unrar x -p image-file.rar | dd of=/dev/sdXY
or you can use the rar instead of the unrar utility. The unrar utility is available in the official repositories and can be installed with pacman -S unrar
Creation by using the dd is more safe and use to be error free:
# dd if=/dev/sdXY | bzip2 -f5 > compressedfile.bzip2
937016+0 records in 937016+0 records out 479752192 bytes (480 MB) copied, 94.7002 s, 5.1 MB/s
And a safe way of restoring with combination of the dd:
# bunzip2 -dc compressedfile.bzip2 | dd of=/dev/sdXY
# bzcat compressedfile.bzip2 | dd of=/dev/sdXY
cp を使う
The cp program can be used to clone a disk, one partition at a time. An advantage to using cp is that the filesystem type of the destination partition(s) may be the same or different than the source. For safety, perform the process from a live environment.
The basic procedure from a live environment will be:
- Create the new destination partition(s) using fdisk, cfdisk or other tools available in the live environment.
- Create a filesystem on each of the newly created partitions. Example:
# mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdXY
- Mount the source and destination partitions. Example:
# mount -t ext3 /dev/sdXY /mnt/source # mount -t ext3 /dev/sdZY /mnt/destination
- Copy the files from the source partition to the destination
# cp -a /path/to/source/* /path/to/destination
-a: preserve all attributes, never follow symbolic links and copy recursively
- Change the mount points of the newly cloned partitions in
accordingly - Finally, install the GRUB bootloader if necessary. (See GRUB)
Arch でディスククローン
- Partclone にはパーティション上の使用されているブロックを保存・復旧するためのユーティリティが入っており ext2, ext3, ext4, hfs+, reiserfs, reiser4, btrfs, vmfs3, vmfs5, xfs, jfs, ufs, ntfs, fat(12/16/32), exfat がサポートされています。オプションで、ncurses インターフェイスを使うこともできます。Partclone は community リポジトリからインストールできます。
- Partimage, an ncurses program, is available in the community repos. Partimage does not currently support ext4 or btrfs filesystems. NTFS is experimental.
Arch の外からディスククローン
If you wish to backup or propagate your Arch install root, you are probably better off booting into something else and clone the partition from there. Some suggestions:
- PartedMagic has a very nice live cd/usb with PartImage and other recovery tools.
- Mindi is a linux distribution specifically for disk clone backup. It comes with its own cloning program, Mondo Rescue.
- Acronis True Image is a commercial disk cloner for Windows. It allows you to create a live (from within Windows), so you do not need a working Windows install on the actual machine to use it. After registration of the Acronis software on their website, you will be able to download a Linux based Live cd and/or plugins for BartPE for creation of the Windows based live cd. It can also create a WinPE Live CD based on Windows. The created ISO Live CD image by Acronis doesn't have the hybrid boot ability and cannot be written to USB storage as a raw file.
- FSArchiver allows you to save the contents of a file system to a compressed archive file. Can be found on the System Rescue CD.
- Clonezilla is an enhanced partition imager which can also restore entire disks as well as partitions. Clonezilla is included on the Arch Linux installation media.
- Redo Backup and Recovery is a Live CD featuring a graphical front-end to partclone.