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2023年5月25日 (木) 13:40時点における版

Himitsu is a secure secret storage system for Unix-like systems. It is extensible and suitable for storing passwords, private keys, logins, etc.

Himitsu secrets are stored in a arbitrary key/value store, accessible via a daemon. Himitsu also provides a command-line interface and query language for the store.


Install the himitsuAUR package.

You will also need a Himitsu prompter: hiprompt-gtk-pyAUR.


The himitsu(7) man page is worth reading. The following is a guide specific to an Arch Linux installation of himitsuAUR.

Firstly, you will need a himitsu secstore (secrets store) and some basic configuration. Initialize these with himitsu-init(1).

$ himitsu-init

You will then need to configure Himitsu to use your prompter of choice. Edit the himitsu.ini(5) config file. For example, for hiprompt-gtk-pyAUR:


The Himitsu daemon himitsud(1) can now be run. The Himitsu package comes with a systemd user unit, himitsud.service. Starting/enabling it runs himitsud in the background.


Use the hiq(1) command to query and manage the keystore.


Himitsu has integrations for various software.


The himitsu-sshAUR package provides an SSH agent and utilities for using and storing SSH keys in the Himitsu keystore.

For ssh to use the Himitsu SSH agent, it is required that:

See hissh-agent(1).

With that, ssh will consult the Himitsu keystore for SSH key data.


The himitsu-firefoxAUR package provides the backend (a native messaging component) for the official Firefox Himitsu Add-on. Once both installed, Firefox can consult the Himitsu keystore for logins/passwords, from keystore entries with the proto=web key-value pair. The add-on implements the "web" protocol.