「Xorg での特別なキーボードキー」の版間の差分

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#REDIRECT [[キーボードショートカット#Xorg]]
[[Category:X サーバー]]
[[en:Extra keyboard keys in Xorg]]
[[ru:Extra Keyboard Keys in Xorg]]
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== キーシムをアクションにマップ ==
* The most portable way using low level tools, such as [[acpid]]. Not all keys are supported, but configuration in uniform way is possible for keyboard keys, power adapter connection and even headphone jack (un)plugging events. It is also difficult to run programs inside X session correctly.
* The universal way using [[Xorg]] utilities (e.g. [[xbindkeys]]) and eventually your desktop environment or window manager tools.
* The quicker way using a third-party program to do everything in GUI, such as the Gnome Control Center or [[Keytouch]].
=== デスクトップ環境 ===
==== Gnome ====
特別なキーボードキーの管理は Gnome Control Center で全てが整います。スキャンコードを直接扱えるため、カーネルから認識されるキーは全てマッピングできます。
==== KDE ====
キーボードショートカットは '''System Settings''' -> '''Shortcuts and Gestures''' で設定できます。
==== Xfce4 ====
[[Xfce#キーボードショートカット]] を見て下さい。
=== ウィンドウマネージャ ===
==== Openbox ====
[[Openbox#キーバインド]] を見て下さい。
==== PekWM ====
[[PekWM#ホットキー]] を見て下さい。
==== Xmonad ====
If you use Xmonad as a stand alone window manager, you can edit the xmonad.hs to add unbound keyboard keys. You just need to find the Xf86 name of the key (such as XF86PowerDown) and look it up in {{Ic|/usr/include/X11/XF86keysym.h}}. It will give you a keycode (like 0x1008FF2A) which you can use to add a line like the following in the keybindings section of your {{ic|xmonad.hs}}:
((0, 0x1008FF2A), spawn "sudo pm-suspend")
==== i3 ====
Open your ~/.i3/config and just bind the keysym to a command:
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -q set Master 5-
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -q set Master 5+
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec $(amixer get Master | grep off > /dev/null && amixer -q set Master unmute) || amixer -q set Master mute
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec xbacklight -dec 10
bindsym Print exec scrot
=== サードパーティのツール ===
==== sxhkd ====
強力かつコンパクトな設定構文によるシンプルな X ホットキーデーモン。
[[公式リポジトリ]]の {{Pkg|sxhkd}} や [[AUR]] の {{AUR|sxhkd-git}} でインストールできます。
==== keytouch ====
KeyTouch is a program which allows you to easily configure the extra function keys of your keyboard. This means that you can define, for every individual function key, what to do if it is pressed.
次の記事を参照してください: [[keytouch]]。
==== actkbd ====
[http://users.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/~thkala/projects/actkbd/ actkbd のホームページ] より:
:{{AUR|actkbd}} (available in [[AUR]]) is a simple daemon that binds actions to keyboard events. It recognises key combinations and can handle press, repeat and release events. Currently it only supports the linux-2.6 evdev interface. It uses a plain-text configuration file which contains all the bindings.
A sample configuration and guide is available [http://users.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/~thkala/projects/actkbd/latest/README here].
==== xbindkeys ====
[[xbindkeys]] allows advanced mapping of keysyms to actions independently of the Desktop Environment.
{{Tip| If you find {{ic|xbindkeys}} difficult to use, try the graphical manager {{AUR|xbindkeys_config}} from the [[AUR]].}}

2023年8月30日 (水) 21:14時点における最新版