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このページはテンプレートです。このページに Arch Linux に関連する情報は含まれていません、他の記事のパーツとして使って下さい。詳しくは、ヘルプ:テンプレートを見て下さい。



An 'App' element used to format application lists (e.g. アプリケーション一覧 and other such list).


* {{App|[[Firefox]]|The Firefox Web Browser is the faster, more secure, and fully customizable way to surf the web.|http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/|{{Pkg|firefox}}}}
  • 1st arg. – upstream name of the application, enclosed in Arch Wiki or (if no Arch Wiki article present) Wikipedia link.
  • 2nd arg. – description that should not duplicate information available in アプリケーション一覧 classifications and/or article context.
  • 3rd arg. – link to upstream website/project page/wiki/other key source of information about the application.
  • 4th arg. – link to package using Template:Pkg or Template:AUR.
ノート: This template is meant to be used at the first level of bulleted lists. It places the first line as a list item, then ends the list and indents the second line. Since the indentation is fixed you should avoid using the template in lists deeper than one level.


  • Firefox — The Firefox Web Browser is the faster, more secure, and fully customizable way to surf the web.
http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ || firefox