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#redirect [[ArchWiki:アーカイブ]]
[[Category:Arch の入手とインストール]]
[[cs:Install bundled 32-bit system in 64-bit system]]
[[en:Install bundled 32-bit system in 64-bit system]]
[[fr:Install environnement 32 sur un systeme 64]]
[[zh-cn:Install bundled 32-bit system in 64-bit system]]
この記事では32ビットのアプリケーションを動作させる一つの方法を説明しています。multilib リポジトリから lib32-* ライブラリをインストールする代わりに32ビットのアプリケーションを分離させます。この方法では "chroot 監獄" を作成して32ビットのアプリを管理します。
{{Tip|1=Xyne has created a package that installs a minimalist 32-bit chroot as described below. See [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=97629] and [http://xyne.archlinux.ca/projects/arch32-light] for details.}}
== インストール ==
1. ディレクトリを作成:
# mkdir /opt/arch32
2. chroot 用に一時的な [[pacman]] の設定ファイルを作成:
# sed -e 's/\$arch/i686/g' /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist > /opt/arch32/mirrorlist
# sed -e 's@/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist@/opt/arch32/mirrorlist@g' -e '/Architecture/ s,auto,i686,' /etc/pacman.conf > /opt/arch32/pacman.conf
*These files would conflict with the normal pacman files, which will be installed in the later steps.
*For this reason they must be put ''into'' a temporary location ({{ic|/opt/arch32}} is used here).
*Remember to delete/comment the multilib repo, if you have enabled it, in the {{ic|/opt/arch32/pacman.conf}} file
3. ディレクトリを作成:
# mkdir -p /opt/arch32/var/{cache/pacman/pkg,lib/pacman}
4. pacman を同期:
# pacman --root /opt/arch32 --cachedir /opt/arch32/var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /opt/arch32/pacman.conf -Sy
5. base グループと任意で base-devel グループをインストール:
# pacman --root /opt/arch32 --cachedir /opt/arch32/var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /opt/arch32/pacman.conf -S base base-devel
Optionally add your favorite text editor and distcc if you plan to compile within the chroot with other machines:
# pacman --root /opt/arch32 --cachedir /opt/arch32/var/cache/pacman/pkg --config /opt/arch32/pacman.conf -S base base-devel sudo vim distcc
Optionally move the pacman mirror list into place:
# mv /opt/arch32/mirrorlist /opt/arch32/etc/pacman.d
=== 設定 ===
# for i in passwd* shadow* group* sudoers resolv.conf localtime locale.gen vimrc mtab inputrc profile.d/locale.sh; do cp -p /etc/"$i" /opt/arch32/etc/; done
Remember to define the correct the number of MAKEFLAGS and other vars in {{ic|/opt/arch32/etc/makepkg.conf}} before attempting to build.
=== デーモンと systemd サービス ===
Description=32-bit chroot
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/arch32 start
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/arch32 stop
## User variables.
## Set MANAGEPARTITION to any value if /opt/arch32 resides on a separate
## partition and not mounted by /etc/fstab or some other means.
## If /opt/arch32 is part of your rootfs, leave this empty.
## Leave USEDISTCC empty unless you wish to use distccd from within the chroot.
## PIDFILE shouldn't need to ba changed from this default.
start_distccd() {
[[ ! -L "$MOUNTPOINT"/usr/bin/distccd-chroot ]] &&
ln -s /usr/bin/distccd "$MOUNTPOINT"/usr/bin/distccd-chroot
DISTCC_ARGS="--user nobody --allow $DISTCC_SUBNET --port 3692 --log-level warning --log-file /tmp/distccd-i686.log"
[[ -z "$(pgrep distccd-chroot)" ]] &&
linux32 chroot "$MOUNTPOINT" /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/distccd-chroot --daemon $DISTCC_ARGS"
stop_distccd() {
[[ -n "$(pgrep distccd-chroot)" ]] &&
linux32 chroot "$MOUNTPOINT" /bin/bash -c "pkill -SIGTERM distccd-chroot"
case $1 in
[[ -f "$PIDFILE" ]] && exit 1
if [[ -n "$MANAGEPARTITION" ]]; then
mountpoint -q $MOUNTPOINT || mount LABEL="arch32" $MOUNTPOINT
dirs=(/tmp /dev /dev/pts /home)
for d in "${dirs[@]}"; do
mount -o bind $d "$MOUNTPOINT"$d
mount -t proc none "$MOUNTPOINT/proc"
mount -t sysfs none "$MOUNTPOINT/sys"
touch "$PIDFILE"
[[ -n "$USEDISTCC" ]] && start_distccd
[[ ! -f "$PIDFILE" ]] && exit 1
[[ -n "$USEDISTCC" ]] && stop_distccd
if [[ -n "$MANAGEPARTITION" ]]; then
umount -R -A -l "$MOUNTPOINT"
dirs=(/home /dev/pts /dev /tmp)
[[ -n "$USEDISTCC" ]] && stop_distccd
umount "$MOUNTPOINT"/{sys,proc}
for d in "${dirs[@]}"; do
umount -l "$MOUNTPOINT$d"
rm -f "$PIDFILE"
echo "usage: $0 (start|stop)"
exit 1
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/arch32
{{ic|arch32.service}} を[[起動]]・[[有効化]]してください。
== 設定 ==
新しい環境に chroot:
# /usr/local/bin/arch32 start
$ xhost +SI:localuser:username_to_give_access_to
# chroot /opt/arch32
It is recommended to use a custom bash prompt inside the 32-bit chroot installation in order to differentiate from the regular system. You can, for example, add a ''ARCH32'' string to the ''PS1'' variable defined in {{ic|~/.bashrc}}. In fact, the default Debian .bashrc prompt string contains appropriate logic to report whether the working directory is within a chroot.
=== 初期設定 ===
# /usr/bin/locale-gen
pacman を初期化:
# sed -i 's/CheckSpace/#CheckSpace/' /etc/pacman.conf
# pacman-key --init && pacman-key --populate archlinux
== Schroot ==
{{Pkg|schroot}} をネイティブの'''64ビット'''環境に[[pacman|インストール]]:
{{ic|/etc/schroot/schroot.conf}} を編集して ''[Arch32]'' セクションを作成して下さい。
Optionally edit {{ic|/etc/schroot/arch32/mount}} to match the mounts created within {{ic|/usr/local/bin/arch32}}.
=== Schroot を使って32ビットのアプリケーションを実行 ===
The general syntax for calling an application ''inside'' the chroot is:
# schroot -p -- htop
In this example, htop is called from within the 32-bit environment.
== トラブルシューティング ==
=== コンパイルとインストール ===
Ensure the desired options are set in the local {{ic|/etc/makepkg.conf}}.
Some packages may require a {{ic|--host}} flag be added to the ./configure script in the PKBUILD:
$ ./configure --host="i686-pc-linux" ...
This is the case when the build makes use of values (for example, the output of the {{ic|uname}} command) inherited from your base system.
If you get:
X Error of failed request: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)
while trying to run an application that requires video acceleration, make sure you have installed appropriate [[video drivers]] in your chroot.
=== Flash の音声 ===
To get sound from the flash player in Firefox, open a terminal and chroot inside the 32-bit system:
# chroot /opt/arch32
From there, install {{Pkg|alsa-oss}} as usual with [[pacman]].
Then type:
$ export FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"
Every chroot into the 32-bit system will require this export command to be entered so it may be best to incorporate it into a script.
Finally, launch Firefox.
For [[Wine]] this works the same way. The package alsa-oss will also install the alsa libs required by [[Wine]] to output sound.
== Tips and tricks ==
=== chroot の Java ===
See [[Java]]. After installation, adjust the path:
$ export PATH="/opt/java/bin/:$PATH"
=== 32ビットアプリケーションから64ビットの PulseAudio にアクセス ===
Additional paths have to be bind-mounted to the chroot environment:
# mount --bind /var/run /opt/arch32/var/run
# mount --bind /var/lib/dbus /opt/arch32/var/lib/dbus
Unmount them when leaving the environment:
# umount /opt/arch32/var/run
# umount /opt/arch32/var/lib/dbus
Optionally add the commands to the {{ic|/usr/local/bin/arch32}} script after the other bind-mount/umount commands. See [[PulseAudio/Examples#PulseAudio_from_within_a_chroot_.28e.g._32-bit_chroot_in_64-bit_install.29|PulseAudio from within a chroot]] for details
=== Firefox の音声 ===
Create {{ic|/usr/bin/firefox32}} as root:
schroot -p firefox $1;export FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"
Make it executable:
# chmod +x /usr/bin/firefox32
Now you can make an alias for Firefox, if desired:
alias firefox="firefox32"
Add this to {{ic|~/.bashrc}} and source it to enable it. Or you can just change all your desktop environment's launchers to firefox32 if you still want 64-bit Firefox to be available.
=== 3D アクセラレーション ===
You need to install the corresponding package under your "native" arch for 3D support.
For information on how to set up your graphic adapter refer to:
* [[ATI]]
* [[Intel]]
* [[NVIDIA]]
=== Wine ===
In order to compile wine, you need a 32-bit system installed. Compiling wine is needed for applying patches in order to get [http://art.ified.ca/?page_id=40 PulseAudio] working. See also {{AUR|wine-hacks}} from AUR.
Add the following alias to {{ic|~/.bashrc}}:
alias wine='schroot -pqd "$(pwd)" -- wine'
The {{ic|-q}} switch makes schroot operate in quiet mode, so it works like "regular" wine does. Also note that If you still use dchroot instead of schroot, you should use switch {{ic|-d}} instead of {{ic|-s}}.
=== 印刷 ===
{{note|If you have a 64-bit base installation with a [[Install_bundled_32-bit_system_in_Arch64|32-bit chroot environment]], explicit installation of CUPS is not necessary in the 32-bit environment.}}
To access installed CUPS printers from the chroot environment, one needs to bind the {{ic|/var/run/cups}} directory to the same (relative) location in the chroot environment.
Simply make sure the {{ic|/var/run/cups}} directory exists in the chroot environment and bind-mount the host {{ic|/var/run/cups}} to the chroot environment:
# mkdir ''chroot32-dir/var/run/cups''
# mount --bind /var/run/cups ''chroot32-dir/var/run/cups''
and printers should be available from 32-bit chroot applications immediately.

2024年9月7日 (土) 19:35時点における最新版