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FireHOL は、理解しやすく人間が読める設定ファイルから安全でステートフルなファイアウォールを構築するための言語 (およびそれを実行するプログラム) です。設定は、非常に複雑なセットアップでも読みやすくなっています。バックグラウンドで iptables (IPv4/IPv6) とインターフェイスします。


fireholAURインストール または firehol-gitAUR


Initial Auto Configuration

Firehol comes with its own firewall wizard. All traffic is allowed by default. Using the wizard is the first step to get a basic firewall configuration which automatically detects all open port and interfaces running on the system.

# firehol wizard > /tmp/firehol.conf

The configuration is well documented. After finishing editing move it to /etc/firehol/firehol.conf. Then test run it with the command

# firehol try

You have 30 seconds before those changes are undone and if everything works as expected, you can make it permanent by starting and enabling firehol.service

理由: stub (議論: トーク:FireHOL#)

A good way to start learning its scripting declarations is by copying an Firehol example configuration.

The configuration file is bash file and has 3 parts:

  • helper
  • interface
  • router

Try, Run and Enable

You can test the configuration file's correctness by issuing:

# firehol try


# firehol nofast try

If the configuration is working, start/enable the firehol.service.
