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DNS-over-HTTPSDNS over HTTPS の実装です。スタブリゾルバとして使用できます。


dns-over-https パッケージを インストール して下さい。


ポート 53 にバインドされているすべてのサービスを無効にする

ポート 53 を使用しているプログラムがあるかどうかを確認するには、次のコマンドを実行します。

$ ss -lp 'sport = :domain'

出力に列名の最初の行以上が含まれている場合は、ポート 53 を使用しているサービスを無効にする必要があります。上記のコマンドが次の行のみを出力したら、続行する準備ができています:

Netid State   Recv-Q  Send-Q   Local Address:Port     Peer Address:Port Process

Change system DNS server

Change your system's DNS server to an address in the listen テンプレート:= section of the configuration file. If you don't know what you're doing, is recommended.

This can be accomplished either through your Network Manager or through editing /etc/resolv.conf.


Start or enable doh-client.service.

Test configuration

To test if your system's DNS works, type nslookup www.google.com into the command line. Note that this will work before DNS-over-HTTPS is configured, assuming you had a DNS configuration before installing this.

Client configuration

The client configuration file is /etc/dns-over-https/doh-client.conf by default

Select preferred upstream DNS server

To select a preferred DNS server, uncomment one of the profiles.

If your preferred server is not listed, you may use the following template in the [upstream] section.

    url = "https://[IP or web address]/dns-query"
    weight = 20


Service does not start properly in wired connection

As explained by the developer:

ArchLinux doesn’t come with a default network management framework, thus systemd comes without online detection pre-configured.
If you are on Wi-Fi, I suggest making sure systemd’s online detection can function properly. I believe your system have already installed some network management framework such as NetworkManager to help you manage Wi-Fi passwords.
Or, if you are on wired network, simply modifying the .service file to disable online detection would be the easiest solution. Installing NetworkManager for a non-mobile machine might be against the K.I.S.S. principle, and we don’t want it.

Upstream suggests to use a drop-in snippet to your service file to:

