Chromium 設定
URL フィールドに chrome://xxx と入力することで様々な設定にアクセスすることができます。完全なリストは URL フィールドに chrome://chrome-urls と入力することで見ることが可能です。以下有名な URL のリスト:
- chrome://flags - WebGL などの実験的な機能や GPU によるウェブページのレンダリングなどにアクセスできます。
- chrome://plugins - 現在使用している Chromium プラグインを表示・有効化・無効化。
- chrome://gpu - 様々な GPU オプションの状態。
- chrome://sandbox - indicate sandbox status.
- chrome://version - display version and switches used to invoke the active
An automatically updated, complete listing of Chromium switches is available here.
Chromium のダウンロードタブで適当なアイコンの代わりにアイコンのプレースホルダ (壊れたドキュメントを示すアイコン) が表示される場合、おそらく gnome-icon-theme がインストールされていません。
Chromium が Preferences ファイルを上書きしてしまう
Google アカウントの同期を有効にしている場合、$HOME/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences
下の Preferences ファイルに直接編集を加えていても Chromium によって上書きされてしまいます。上書きされないようにするには、--disable-sync-preferences
スイッチを付けて Chromium を起動してください:
$ chromium --disable-sync-preferences
If Chromium is started in the background when you login in to your desktop environment, make sure the command your desktop environment uses is
$ chromium --disable-sync-preferences --no-startup-window
Make sites like and easily searchable by first executing a search on those pages, then going to Settings > Search and click the Manage search engines.. button. From there, "Edit" the Wikipedia entry and change its keyword to w (or some other shortcut you prefer). Now searching Wikipedia for "Arch Linux" from the address bar is done simply by entering "w arch linux".
tmpfs にキャッシュ
To limit Chromium from writing its cache to a physical disk, one can define an alternative location via the --disk-cache-dir=/foo/bar
$ chromium --disk-cache-dir=/tmp/cache
Cache should be considered temporary and will not be saved after a reboot or hard lock. Alternatively, use:
tmpfs /home/username/.cache tmpfs noatime,nodev,nosuid,size=400M 0 0
tmpfs にプロファイル
Relocate the browser profile to a tmpfs filesystem, including /tmp
, or /dev/shm
for improvements in application response as the entire profile is now stored in RAM.
Use an active profile management script for maximal reliability and ease of use.
profile-sync-daemonAUR is such a script and is directly available from the AUR. It symlinks and syncs the browser profile directories to RAM. Refer to the Profile-sync-daemon wiki article for additional information on it.
When you launch the browser, it first checks if another instance using the same profile is already running. If there is one, the new window is associated with the old instance. To prevent this, you can specifically ask the browser to run with a different profile.
$ chromium --user-data-dir=<PATH TO A PROFILE>
torrent クライアントで *.torrent ファイルやマグネットリンクを直接開く
By default, Chromium downloads *.torrent
files directly and you need to click the notification from the bottom left corner of the screen in order for the file to be opened with your default torrent client. This can be avoided with the following method:
- Download a
file. - Right click the notification displayed at the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Check the "Always Open Files of This Type" checkbox.
デフォルトの関連付けの変更については xdg-open を見てください。
Chrome と Chromium はデフォルトではタッチスクリーンをサポートしていません。chrome の 'flags' から変更できる設定がいくつかあり、あなたの使用しているデバイスで使うことができるかもしれません。公式リポジトリの chromium や AUR の google-chromeAUR でテスト済みです。
- Browse to chrome://flags and set everything to default
- Switch "Enable Touch events" to "Enabled" (chrome://flags/#touch-events)
- Restart Chrome and touch scrolling should work. If it does not, it is worth trying the other modes that are available.
- You may need to specify which touch device to use. Find your touchscreen device with
xinput list
then launch Chromium with the--touch-devices=x
parameter, where "x" is the id of your device.
ブラウザから chrome://flags
By default, Chromium uses a separate OS process for each instance of a visited web site. [1] However, you can specify command-line switches when starting Chromium to modify this behaviour.
For example, to share one process for all instances of a website:
$ chromium --process-per-site
To use a single process model:
$ chromium --single-process
In addition, you can suspend or store inactive Tabs with extensions such as Tab Suspender and OneTab.
The User Agent can be arbitrarily modified at the start of Chromium's base instance via its --user-agent="[string]"
For the same User Agent as the stable Chrome release for Linux i686 (at the time of writing, the most popular Linux edition of Chrome) one would use:
--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.0.1132.47 Safari/536.11"
An official, automatically updated listing of Chromium releases which also shows the included WebKit version is available as the OmahaProxy Viewer.
Chromium は Sqlite データベースを使用して履歴やお気に入りを管理しています。Sqlite データベースは使っているうちに断片化していきます。しかしながら、データベースをチェックしたり最適化するプロセスが存在しないため、断片化によって段々とパフォーマンスに影響が出て来ます。デフラグを行ってデータベースから未使用領域を削除することで、起動時間やブックマークや履歴に関連する作業を素早く実行することができます。
AUR の profile-cleanerAUR と browser-vacuumAUR でメンテナンスができます。
WebRTC is a communication protocol that relies on JavaScript that can leak one's actual IP address from behind a VPN. While software like NoScript prevents this, it's probably a good idea to block this protocol directly as well, just to be safe. An option to disable it is available via an extension.
One can test this via this page.
安全でない RC4 暗号を無効化
The RC4 cipher has been declared as insecure, but the cipher is still in Chromium at present. To disable it:
$ chromium --cipher-suite-blacklist=0x0001,0x0002,0x0004,0x0005,0x0017,0x0018,0xc002,0xc007,0xc00c,0xc011,0xc016,0xff80,0xff81,0xff82,0xff83
You can check which cipher suites are supported by your browser at Make sure to visit this page before and after you make the change to verify that the change was effective.
To make the change persistent, you can modify ~/.config/chromium-flags.conf
and add the flags above. To check, open the website mentioned before. An alternative is to grep inside of your process list for the keyword "cipher".
There is no cleaner way to disable RC4. Also, the source-code only shows the right hexadecimal value for the single cipher. See Wikipedia:RC4 for basic information and a recommendation to disable RC4.
German Blog showing how to disable RC4 in common browsers.
1024ビットの Diffie-Hellman 鍵交換を無効化
Following recent research it is likely that the NSA has been breaking 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman for some time now. To disable these use:
$ chromium --cipher-suite-blacklist=0x0033,0x0039,0x009E,0xcc15
(best in combination with disabling RC4, s. a.), restart the browser and check how your SSL is.
SSL 証明書
Chromium does not have an SSL certificate manager. It relies on the NSS Shared DB ~/.pki.nssdb
. In order to add SSL certificates to the database, users will have to use the shell.
自己署名証明書の CAcert 証明書を追加
Grab the CAcerts and create an nssdb
, if one does not already exist. To do this, first install the nss package, then complete these steps:
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.pki/nssdb $ cd $HOME/.pki/nssdb $ certutil -N -d sql:.
$ curl -k -o "cacert-root.crt" "" $ curl -k -o "cacert-class3.crt" "" $ certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t TC -n "" -i cacert-root.crt $ certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t TC -n " Class 3" -i cacert-class3.crt
Now users may manually import a self-signed certificate.
例 1: シェルスクリプトを使って TomatoUSB から証明書を分離
Below is a simple script that will extract and add a certificate to the user's nssdb
#!/bin/sh # # usage: [port] # REMHOST=$1 REMPORT=${2:-443} exec 6>&1 exec > $REMHOST echo | openssl s_client -connect ${REMHOST}:${REMPORT} 2>&1 |sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t TC -n "$REMHOST" -i $REMHOST exec 1>&6 6>&-
Syntax is advertised in the commented lines.
例 2: Firefox を使って TomatoUSB から証明書を分離
firefox ブラウザを使って証明書をファイルに保存してデータベースに手動でインポートすることができます。
Using firefox:
- Browse to the target URL.
- Upon seeing the "This Connection is Untrusted" warning screen, click: I understand the Risks > Add Exception...
- Click: View > Details > Export and save the certificate to a temporary location (
in this example).
Now import the certificate for use in Chromium:
$ certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t TC -n "easy" -i /tmp/easy.pem
(あるいは環境変数を設定している場合 $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
) にある chromium-flags.conf
- The arguments are split on whitespace and shell quoting rules apply, but no further parsing is performed.
- In case of improper quoting anywhere in the file, a fatal error is raised.
- Flags can be placed in separate lines for readability, but this is not required.
- Lines starting with a hash symbol (#) are skipped.
以下は chromium-flags.conf
ファイルで --start-maximized --incognito
# This line will be ignored. --start-maximized --incognito