mlterm は非常に高速な 低遅延 ターミナルエミュレーターであり、可変幅フォントのレンダリング、適切な双方向などの多くの独自の機能を備えています。すぐに使用できるデーモンモード、複数の XIM、および景透過性をサポートします。
mlterm-gitAUR パッケージを インストール して下さい。
ほとんどは ~/.mlterm/main
GUI 設定ウィザードは、Ctrl+RightMouse
パディングを有効にするには、メイン設定ファイル ~.mlterm/main
で inner_border=value
フォントは、2 つの異なるファイル ~/.mlterm/aafont
(等幅) と ~/.mlterm/vaafont
(非等幅) で個別に定義されます。
Mlterm には、mlfc
というツールが提供されています。このツールは、Unicode ブロックとフォントのペアのリストを aafont
Using variable width fonts
can properly display variable width fonts. First, define them in .mlterm/vaafont
DEFAULT = Latin Modern Roman, 12
And enable the option in .mlterm/main
use_variable_column_width = true
Alternatively, you can pass it on the command line --varwidth
or check the Variable column width option in the Font dialog of the configuration window.
Antialiasing needs to be enabled otherwise it will fallback to monospace.
use_anti_alias = true
Depending on the font, adjust Screen size ratio against font size in order to fit the window to the new variable width of its cells.
Use the --wscr percentage
option or save it permanently in the main configuration file
screen_width_ratio = percentage
Custom colors
You can define your custom colors in ~/.mlterm/colors
file with the following color names :
black=#48483e red=#dc2566 green=#8fc029 yellow=#d4c96e blue=#55bcce magenta=#9358fe cyan=#56b7a5 white=#acada1 hl_black=#76715e hl_red=#fa2772 hl_green=#a7e22e hl_yellow=#e7db75 hl_blue=#66d9ee hl_magenta=#ae82ff hl_cyan=#66efd5 hl_white=#cfd0c2
In addition, foreground and background color values need to be specified separately either with -f
and -b
arguments or permanently stored in .mlterm/main
fg_color = #f1ebeb bg_color = #272822
Values for the previous examples correspond to the .Xresources monokai color theme.[1]
You can access the backscroll mode to scroll the buffer by pressing Shift+Up
or Shift+Prior
keys or using the mouse wheel.
To enter buffer selection mode, press Ctrl+Shift+Return
and use arrow keys to navigate. Begin and end your selection by pressing the space space
key. The selected text will be copied to your clipboard.
Both modes support vi movement using hjkl
and u/d
keys to navigate the screen.
Render CJK characters when using Xft
If you see empty glyph boxes when rendering CJK characters, that is because the font you are using does not support them, and unlike using cairo, mlterm with Xft does not look for a fallback fonts as an alternative (as explained by the author in GitHub issue#18).
If your default font does not support CJK glyphs, you can specify such font (such as Noto Sans Mono CJK JP
) as a fallback font besides your default font in ~/.mlterm/aafont
DEFAULT = Fantasque Sans Mono 12 ISO10646_UCS4_1_FULLWIDTH = Noto Sans Mono CJK JP 10
Render Arabic script in Xft
If your main font is not supporting Arabic unicode ranges, you can specifically instruct mlterm to use a font with proper support for Arabic characters (such as DejaVu Sans Mono) by providing an exhaustive list of all unicode ranges for the Arabic script :
U+10a60-10a7f = DejaVu Sans Mono, 10 U+10a80-10a9f = DejaVu Sans Mono, 10 U+600-6ffj = DejaVu Sans Mono, 10 U+750-77f = DejaVu Sans Mono, 10 U+8a0-8ff = DejaVu Sans Mono, 10 U+1ee00-1eeff = DejaVu Sans Mono, 10 U+10e60-10e7f = DejaVu Sans Mono, 10 U+fe70-feff = DejaVu Sans Mono, 10 U+fb50-fdff = DejaVu Sans Mono, 10
Arabic script rendering when using fixed width fonts
When entering in Arabic on a R-to-L line, proper rendering of ligatures might need a screen refresh when using fixed width fonts. One workaround is to enable the variable column width
option and set your vaafont to the fixed width font. follow this issue on github.