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2022年2月4日 (金) 18:22時点におけるKgx (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (一部翻訳)
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WirePlumber は、PipeWire 用の強力なセッションおよびポリシーマネージャです。モジュール設計に基づき、実際の管理機能を実装する Lua プラグインによって、高度な設定と拡張が可能です。


Install the wireplumber package. It will conflict with other PipeWire Session Managers and make sure they are uninstalled.

WirePlumber uses systemd/User for management of the server and automatic socket activation.

Optionally, install wireplumber-docs to review the documentation.


WirePlumber's modular design confers lots of flexibility when it comes to swapping the implementation of a specific functionality without having to re-implement the rest of it. Detailed information can be found at the official documentation.

Bellow we add examples of simple configurations.


To change a device or node property, such as it's description or nick, you must create a Lua script and add it into ~/.config/wireplumber under the proper path and name.

For instance, to change the description of an ALSA node, you would create a file such as ~/.config/wireplumber/main.lua.d/51-alsa-rename.lua with the following content:

rule = {
  matches = {
      { "node.name", "equals", "alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.output_analog-stereo" },
  apply_properties = {
    ["node.description"] = "Laptop",


If instead you wish to change something on a Bluetooth node or device, you could create ~/.config/wireplumber/bluetooth.lua.d/51-rename.lua with a content such as:

rule = {
  matches = {
      { "node.name", "equals", "bluez_output.02_11_45_A0_B3_27.a2dp-sink" },
  apply_properties = {
    ["node.nick"] = "Headphones",


The Lua scripts' filenames and locations are thus devised in a way that allows WirePlumber's Multi-path merging to run them just after the default config files (e.g. /usr/share/wireplumber/main.lua.d/50-alsa-config.lua) but before the file that loads and enables the devices (e.g. /usr/share/wireplumber/main.lua.d/90-enable-all.lua).

The properties that you can change as well as the matching rules to select devices or nodes are documented at ALSA configuration and Bluetooth configuration.
