GNOME パッケージガイドライン

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Arch Linux では GNOME パッケージは特定の決まり事に従っています。

GNOME プロファイルの初期化

GNOME プロファイルの初期化は必要なくなりました。以下のような行が PKGBUILD にある場合は取り除いて下さい:

[ -z "$GNOMEDIR" ] && . /etc/profile.d/

GConf スキーマ

Many GNOME packages install GConf schemas. These schemas get installed in the system GConf database, which has to be avoided. Some packages provide a --disable-schemas-install switch for ./configure, which hardly ever works. Therefore, gconftool-2 has a variable called GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL, whenever this is set, gconftool-2 will not update any databases.

When creating packages that install schema files, use


for the package installation step in the PKGBUILD.

GConf schemas need to be installed and removed in the .install file using pre_remove, pre_upgrade and post_upgrade and post_install. Use gconf-merge-schemas to merge several schemas into one package specific file, install or uninstall them with usr/sbin/gconfpkg --(un)install $pkgname The usage of gconfpkg requres a dependency on gconf>= (or gconfmm>=2.20.0).

GSettings スキーマ

The GConf schemas will be replaced by GSettings schemas in the near future, but some applications (e.g. Empathy) already using it. GSettings uses dconf as backend, so all packages that contain GSettings schemas require dconf as dependency. When a new GSettings schema installed on the system, the GSettings database should be recompiled, but not when packaging. To avoid recompiling GSettings database on packaging, use the --disable-schemas-compile switch for ./configure. To recompile it on install, add the following line to the .install file using post_install, post_upgrade and post_remove:

glib-compile-schemas usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas

Scrollkeeper ドキュメント

GNOME 2.20 から scrollkeeper を利用する必要はなくなりました。rarian が直接 OMF ファイルを読み込みます。現在 Scrollkeeper-update はダミーになっています。makedepend に gnome-doc-utils>=0.11.2 を追加すること以外は何もしなくてかまいません。

.desktop ファイル

Many packages install compatible .desktop files and register MimeType entries in them. Running update-desktop-database -q in post_install and post_remove is recommended (package should depend on desktop-file-utils in this case).

GTK アイコンキャッシュ

パッケージが hicolor アイコンテーマにアイコンをインストールする場合があります。パッケージを gtk-update-icon-cache に依存するようにして post_install, post_upgrade, post_remove 関数で gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f usr/share/icons/hicolor を実行してください。

.install ファイル

For many GNOME packages, all .install files look almost exactly the same. The gedit package contains a very generic install file:

Basically, the only thing that has to be changed is the pkgname variable on top of the .install file. As long as pacman does not supply us with the pkgname variable, we need to supply it in the .install file. When packages do not have gconf schemas, hicolor icon files, or .desktop files, remove the parts that handle those subjects.


For an example of above rules, take a look at the gedit PKGBUILD and the .install file supplied above: